


This is not a duplicate. The was a similar question, but none of those answers are able to deal with a real html file. One can save any html, even this one and try to run any of the solutions to that answer ... none of them solves the problem completely


我有一个已保存的 .htm 我桌面上的文件。我需要从中获取纯文本。但是我确实需要保留换行符,以便文本不在一行或几行上。

I have a saved .htm file on my desktop. I need to get pure text from it . However I do need to keep the line breaks so that the text is not on just one or couple of lines.


I tried the following and all methods from here

        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:\\...myfile.htm");
        String htmlText = IOUtils.toString(in);
        for (String line : htmlText.split("\n")) {
            String stripped = Jsoup.parse(line).text();

这只会保留html文件行。但是,文字仍然搞砸了,因为< / br> < p> 这样的东西了除去。我如何解析,以便文本保留所有自然换行符。

This does preserve only lines of html file. However, the text is still messed up, because such things as </br> , <p> got removed. How can I parse so that the text preserves all natural line breaks.


这是我注意到jsoup之间的区别并说Selenium,其中Selenium保持换行符,而jsoup在提取文本时不会。话虽如此,我认为最好的路线是在您尝试提取文本的节点上获取innerHtml,然后在innerHtml上执行replaceAll以替换< / br> < p> 包含换行符。

This is something I've noticed the difference between jsoup and say Selenium where Selenium keeps the line breaks and jsoup does not when extracting text. With that said, i think the best route is to get the innerHtml on the node you are trying to extract text, then do a replaceAll on the innerHtml to replace </br>and <p> with line breaks.

作为一个更完整的解决方案,而不是阅读文本文件逐行,是否可以更原生地遍历html文本?您最好的选择是使用类似递归函数的方式遍历树,当您点击TextNode时,将该文本添加到示例中的剥离变量中。然后,当您点击< p> < / br> 元素时,您可以根据需要添加换行符be。

As a more complete solution, instead of reading the text file line by line, is it possible to traverse the html text more natively? Your best bet would be to traverse the tree using something like a recursive function and when you hit a TextNode, add that text to the stripped variable from your example. Then when you hit a <p> or </br> element, you can add a linefeed as need be.


Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlText);


Then pass that in a recursive function for each child node:

String getText(Element parentElement) {
     String working = "";
     for (Node child : parentElement.childNodes()) {
          if (child instanceof TextNode) {
              working += child.text();
          if (child instanceof Element) {
              Element childElement = (Element)child;
              // do more of these for p or other tags you want a new line for
              if (childElement.tag().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("br")) {
                   working += "\n";
              working += getText(childElement);

     return working;


Then you can just call the function to strip the text.

 strippedText = getText(doc);


Not the simplest solution, but one i can think of that should work if you want to extract all text from an HTML. I haven't run this code, just wrote it now so if i missed something, i apologize. But it should give you the general idea.


09-05 12:17