



我现在想读纹理回并与原来的阵列(再次测试,它正确地复制)进行比较。我看到,使用如下所示的readTexel()函数的一些示例code。它似乎并没有为我工作。(基本上一切正常,除了在bindToTexture(功能开始于readTexels(部分浮动* deviceArray)的大小,testArrayDevice)线)。



#包括LT&;&cuda.​​h GT;的#define SIZE 20;//创建一个通道说明来使用。
cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32,0,0,0,cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);//创建纹理使用。
质地LT;浮动,2,cudaReadModeElementType> cudaTexture;
//cudaTexture.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
//cudaTexture.normalized = FALSE;__global__无效readTexels(INT数量,浮动*阵列)
  INT指数= blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;  如果(指数<金额)
    浮动X = tex1D(cudaTexture,浮点(索引));
    数组[索引] = X;
}浮动* copyToGPU(浮点* hostArray,INT大小)
  浮* deviceArray;
  浮* testArray;  //分配一些内存为两个数组,这样它们就不会被覆盖。
  testArray =(浮点*)malloc的(的sizeof(浮动)*大小);  //分配一些记忆被投入到GPU设备的阵列。
  cudaMalloc((无效**)及deviceArray,sizeof的(浮点)*大小);  //其实从阵列到hostArray复制deviceArray。
  cudaMemcpy(deviceArray,hostArray,sizeof的(浮点)*尺寸,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);  //在主机内存复制deviceArray回testArray进行测试。
  cudaMemcpy(testArray,deviceArray,sizeof的(浮点)*尺寸,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);  //使testArray的确认内容hostArray匹配的原始内容。
  的for(int i = 0; I<大小;我++)
    如果(hostArray [I]!= testArray [I])
      的printf(位置[%D]。不匹配hostArray和testArray \\ n,I);
  }  //不要忘记释放这些阵列大功告成了!
  免费(testArray);  返回deviceArray; // TODO:释放装置阵列VIA cudaFree(deviceArray);
}cudaArray * bindToTexture(浮点* deviceArray)
  cudaArray * cuArray;  //分配内存CUDA数组。
  cudaMallocArray(安培; cuArray,&放大器; cudaTexture.channelDesc,尺寸,1);  //将deviceArray复制到CUDA数组。
  cudaMemcpyToArray(cuArray,0,0,deviceArray,sizeof的(浮动)*尺寸,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);  //释放deviceArray
  cudaFree(deviceArray);  //绑定CUDA数组纹理。
  cudaBindTextureToArray(cudaTexture,cuArray);  //使设备与主机上的测试序列来验证纹理已被正确保存。
  浮* testArrayDevice;
  浮* testArrayHost;  //分配内存的两个测试阵列。
  cudaMalloc((无效**)及testArray,sizeof的(浮动)* SIZE);
  testArrayHost =(浮点*)malloc的(的sizeof(浮动)* SIZE);  //读取纹理的纹理像素,以在该装置的测试阵列。
  readTexels(SIZE,testArrayDevice);  //设备测试阵列复制到主机测试数组。
  cudaMemcpy(testArrayHost,testArrayDevice,sizeof的(浮动)*尺寸,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);  //数组绝版内容。
  的for(int i = 0; I<大小;我++)
    的printf(%F \\ N,testArrayHost [I]);
  }  //释放内存的测试阵列。
  cudaFree(testArrayDevice);  返回cuArray; // TODO:取消绑定CUDA纹理通过cudaUnbindTexture(cudaTexture);
  // TODO:自由的CUDA数组VIA cudaFree(cuArray);
  浮* hostArray;  hostArray =(浮点*)malloc的(的sizeof(浮动)* SIZE);  的for(int i = 0; I<大小;我++)
    hostArray [I] = 10.f + I;
  }  浮动* deviceAddy = copyToGPU(hostArray,SIZE);  免费(hostArray);  返回0;



-------------在你main.cu ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------


       质地refTexture; //全局变量!
       //意思是:解决与(X,Y)(2D)纹理,并得到一个unsinged INT



    cudaArray * myArray的; // declar。
    cudaMallocArray(安培; myArray的,结果
                        &安培; refTex.channelDesc,/ *这个你不需要填写一个信道描述符* /


                        sourceData,//指针UINT *




   refTextura_In.normalized = FALSE; //不会自动获取的数据转换为[0,1 [
      refTextura_In.addressMode [0] = cudaAddressModeClamp; //如果我的索引超出范围:自动使用一个有效的索引(0,如果负指数,最后如果太大指数)
      refTextura_In.addressMode [1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;

----------在内核---------------------------------- ----------------------

     UINT F =(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)+ threadIdx.x;
     UINT C =(blockIdx.y * blockDim.y)+ threadIdx.y;

  UINT读= tex2D(refTex,C + 0.5F,F + 0.5F); // texRef的是一个全局变量


Ok, so far, I can create an array on the host computer (of type float), and copy it to the gpu, then bring it back to the host as another array (to test if the copy was successful by comparing to the original).

I then create a CUDA array from the array on the GPU. Then I bind that array to a CUDA texture.

I now want to read that texture back and compare with the original array (again to test that it copied correctly). I saw some sample code that uses the readTexel() function shown below. It doesn't seem to work for me... (basically everything works except for the section in the bindToTexture(float* deviceArray) function starting at the readTexels(SIZE, testArrayDevice) line).

Any suggestions of a different way to do this? Or are there some obvious problems I missed in my code?

Thanks for the help guys!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda.h>

#define SIZE 20;

//Create a channel description to use.
cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);

//Create a texture to use.
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> cudaTexture;
//cudaTexture.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
//cudaTexture.normalized = false;

__global__ void readTexels(int amount, float *Array)
  int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  if (index < amount)
    float x = tex1D(cudaTexture, float(index));
    Array[index] = x;

float* copyToGPU(float* hostArray, int size)
  //Create pointers, one for the array to be on the device, and one for bringing it back to the host for testing.
  float* deviceArray;
  float* testArray;

  //Allocate some memory for the two arrays so they don't get overwritten.
  testArray = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*size);

  //Allocate some memory for the array to be put onto the GPU device.
  cudaMalloc((void **)&deviceArray, sizeof(float)*size);

  //Actually copy the array from hostArray to deviceArray.
  cudaMemcpy(deviceArray, hostArray, sizeof(float)*size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  //Copy the deviceArray back to testArray in host memory for testing.
  cudaMemcpy(testArray, deviceArray, sizeof(float)*size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  //Make sure contents of testArray match the original contents in hostArray.
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    if (hostArray[i] != testArray[i])
      printf("Location [%d] does not match in hostArray and testArray.\n", i);

  //Don't forget free these arrays after you're done!

  return deviceArray; //TODO: FREE THE DEVICE ARRAY VIA cudaFree(deviceArray);

cudaArray* bindToTexture(float* deviceArray)
  //Create a CUDA array to translate deviceArray into.
  cudaArray* cuArray;

  //Allocate memory for the CUDA array.
  cudaMallocArray(&cuArray, &cudaTexture.channelDesc, SIZE, 1);

  //Copy the deviceArray into the CUDA array.
  cudaMemcpyToArray(cuArray, 0, 0, deviceArray, sizeof(float)*SIZE, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  //Release the deviceArray

  //Bind the CUDA array to the texture.
  cudaBindTextureToArray(cudaTexture, cuArray);

  //Make a test array on the device and on the host to verify that the texture has been saved correctly.
  float* testArrayDevice;
  float* testArrayHost;

  //Allocate memory for the two test arrays.
  cudaMalloc((void **)&testArray, sizeof(float)*SIZE);
  testArrayHost = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*SIZE);

  //Read the texels of the texture to the test array in the device.
  readTexels(SIZE, testArrayDevice);

  //Copy the device test array to the host test array.
  cudaMemcpy(testArrayHost, testArrayDevice, sizeof(float)*SIZE, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  //Print contents of the array out.
  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    printf("%f\n", testArrayHost[i]);

  //Free the memory for the test arrays.

  return cuArray; //TODO: UNBIND THE CUDA TEXTURE VIA cudaUnbindTexture(cudaTexture);
  //TODO: FREE THE CUDA ARRAY VIA cudaFree(cuArray);

int main(void)
  float* hostArray;

  hostArray = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*SIZE);

  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    hostArray[i] = 10.f + i;

  float* deviceAddy = copyToGPU(hostArray, SIZE);


  return 0;


------------- in your main.cu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-1. Define the texture as a globlal variable

       texture refTexture; // global variable !
       // meaning: address the texture with (x,y) (2D) and get an unsinged int

In the main function:

-2. Use arrays combined with texture

    cudaArray* myArray; // declar.
    // ask for memory
    cudaMallocArray (   &myArray,
&refTex.channelDesc, /* with this you don't need to fill a channel descriptor */ width,

-3. copy data from CPU to GPU (to the array)

 cudaMemcpyToArray ( arrayCudaEntrada, // destination: the array
0, 0, // offsets sourceData, // pointer uint* width*height*sizeof(uint), // total amount of bytes to be copied cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

-4. bind texture and array

    cudaBindTextureToArray( refTex,arrayCudaEntrada)

-5. change some parameters in the texture

refTextura_In.normalized = false; // don't automatically convert fetched data to [0,1[ refTextura_In.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp; // if my indexing is out of bounds: automatically use a valid indexing (0 if negative index, last if too great index) refTextura_In.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;

---------- in the kernel --------------------------------------------------------

    // find out indexes (f,c) to process by this thread
     uint f = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
     uint c = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

  // this is curious and necessary: indexes for reading from a texture
  // are floats !. Even if you are certain to access (4,5) you have
  // match the "center" this is (4.5, 5.5)
  uint read = tex2D( refTex, c+0.5f, f+0.5f); // texRef is a global variable

Now You process read and write the results to other zone of the device globalmemory, not to the texture itself !


07-30 04:21