

我知道我可以使用"help()"来查看软件包中的现有帮助信息.但是,在编写了自己的函数/类之后,如何启用帮助"以查看帮助文档?我知道评论"的第一行是 doc 属性,但这不是我想要的.

I know I can use "help()" to see existing help information from packages. But after I wrote my own function/class, how can I enable "help" to see help document? I know the first line of "comment" is a doc attribute, but that's not what I wanted.


I wish to have my own package compiled, and others could see from "help()". How to do that?


help()完全基于 __ doc __ 属性(以及函数参数的自省),因此确保您的模块,类和函数都具有文档字符串.

help() is entirely based on __doc__ attributes (and introspection of function arguments), so make sure your module, your classes and your functions all have a docstring.

文档字符串不是 注释,它是顶部的裸字符串文字:

A docstring is not a comment, it is a bare string literal right at the top:

"""This is a module docstring, shown when you use help() on a module"""

class Foo:
    """Help for the class Foo"""

    def bar(self):
        """Help for the bar method of Foo classes"""

def spam(f):
    """Help for the spam function"""

例如,流行的第三方 requests 模块具有文档字符串:

For example, the popular third-party requests module has a docstring:

>>> import requests
>>> requests.__doc__
'\nRequests HTTP library\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nRequests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. Basic GET\nusage:\n\n   >>> import requests\n   >>> r = requests.get(\'https://www.python.org\')\n   >>> r.status_code\n   200\n   >>> \'Python is a programming language\' in r.content\n   True\n\n... or POST:\n\n   >>> payload = dict(key1=\'value1\', key2=\'value2\')\n   >>> r = requests.post(\'http://httpbin.org/post\', data=payload)\n   >>> print(r.text)\n   {\n     ...\n     "form": {\n       "key2": "value2",\n       "key1": "value1"\n     },\n     ...\n   }\n\nThe other HTTP methods are supported - see `requests.api`. Full documentation\nis at <http://python-requests.org>.\n\n:copyright: (c) 2016 by Kenneth Reitz.\n:license: Apache 2.0, see LICENSE for more details.\n'



which is rendered by help() directly, together with the module contents (and recursively, the content docstrings):

>>> help('requests')
Help on package requests:


    Requests HTTP library

    Requests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. Basic GET

       >>> import requests
       >>> r = requests.get('https://www.python.org')
       >>> r.status_code


07-28 03:09