


I have taken the ideas from AngularJS - How to make a stop watch starting from 00:00:00 format and have a need to have the timer be able to have a stop method go up to the parent directive for a button that is in the parent template.

  <timer-container />
  <button ng-click="??.stopTimer()">Stop</button>


If there is a method in the timer-container that will stop the timer, how do I get the parent container and timer container to interact so that when the button is clicked, the stopTimer method will be invoked?


查看 $ emit $ broadcast 函数.$ emit将在层次结构中发送事件,而$ broadcast将在层次结构中发送事件.您可以使用 $ on 函数添加侦听器.

Look into the $emit and $broadcast functions. $emit will send an event up the heirarchy and $broadcast sends the event down the heirarchy. You can add a listener using the $on function.

如果两个作用域之间没有直接关系,则可以将$ rootScope注入两个控制器中,并在那里处理事件.

If there is no direct relation between the two scopes, you can inject $rootScope into both controllers and handle the event there.


For a more complete example, check the answer I linked in my comment.


08-19 16:31