According to the specification of Number.longValue()
the method should...
However, the BigInteger
(and BigDecimal
) overrides this method and returns the 64 low bits of the integer part of the number it represents. From the docs of BigInteger
for example:
我声称"这可能涉及舍入或截断."并没有说出该方法实际应返回的内容 ,或者,在实现或文档中存在错误.
I claim that either "This may involve rounding or truncation." doesn't say anything about what the method actually should return, or, there is a bug in implementation or documentation.
Would you agree, or do I have a mistake in my reasoning?
import java.math.BigInteger;
import static java.math.BigInteger.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger i = valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
// Result: Long.MAX_VALUE, just as expected.
Number n1 = i;
System.out.println(n1 + " -> " + n1.longValue());
// I expect to get the "rounded" value Long.MAX_VALUE
Number n2 = i.add(ONE);
System.out.println(n2 + " -> " + n2.longValue());
// I expect to get the "rounded" value Long.MAX_VALUE
Number n3 = i.multiply(TEN);
System.out.println(n3 + " -> " + n3.longValue());
9223372036854775807 -> 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775808 -> -9223372036854775808
92233720368547758070 -> -10
措辞这可能涉及舍入或截断" 出现在javadocs中的longValue()
的 Number
The wording "This may involve rounding or truncation" appears in the javadocs for the longValue()
, shortValue()
, charValue()
and byteValue()
of Number
, so it is clear that "truncation" is intended to include loss of significant high order bits in some cases.
问题确实是,术语截断"通常意味着丢失低阶位. (这就是我30年前在数值分析课程中记住的方式. Wikipedia同意.)
The problem really is that the term "truncation" conventionally means loss of lower order bits. (That's how I remember it from my numerical analysis course, 30 years ago. And Wikipedia agrees.)
相比之下, JLS 5.1.3 描述相同的过程(缩小整数原始类型时),如下所示:
By contrast, the JLS 5.1.3 describes the same process (when narrowing integral primitive types) as follows:
So yes, I agree that the javadoc is incorrect. Submit a bug report.
我最初删除它是因为我认为提交错误报告的建议可能是徒劳的(基于我过去使用文档错误报告的经验).但是@aioobe 已经提交了错误报告...(错误ID: 7000825 )
I had originally deleted this because I thought my suggestion to submit a bug report was probably futile (based on my past experience with documentation bug reports). But @aioobe has submitted a bug report ... (Bug ID: 7000825)