I have a function where I need to do something to a string. I need the function to return a boolean indicating whether or not the operation succeeded, and I also need to return the modified string.
在 C# 中,我会为字符串使用 out 参数,但在 Python 中没有等价物.我对 Python 还是很陌生,我唯一能想到的就是返回一个带有布尔值和修改过的字符串的元组.
In C#, I would use an out parameter for the string, but there is no equivalent in Python. I'm still very new to Python and the only thing I can think of is to return a tuple with the boolean and modified string.
def f(in_str):
out_str = in_str.upper()
return True, out_str # Creates tuple automatically
succeeded, b = f("a") # Automatic tuple unpacking