我有一个 uitabbarcontroller,它包含多个选项卡和视图控制器.我正在尝试遍历视图控制器以找到正确的控制器并调用方法.但是我得到的视图控制器的类型,每次我通过循环时都是一个 UINavigationController.那么我怎样才能简单地访问我的 tabBar 中的视图控制器?
I have a uitabbarcontroller, which contains multiple tabs and viewControllers.I am trying to loop through the view controllers to find the right one and call a method.but the type of the view controller i get, each time i go through the loop is a UINavigationController. So how can i simply access a view controller in my tabBar?
for (UIViewController *v in self.tabBar.viewControllers)
if ([v isKindOfClass:[MyViewController class]])
MyViewController *myViewController = v;
[v doSomething];
您很可能在 Tabs 的根目录下有 UINavigationController,因此您要做的是访问 UINavigationController 显示的 ViewController.
You most likely have UINavigationControllers at the root of your Tabs, so what you will want to do is access the ViewController displayed by the UINavigationController.
Try changing the code to the following:
for (UIViewController *v in self.tabBar.viewControllers) {
UIViewController *vc = v;
if ([v isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
vc = [v visibleViewController];
if ([vc isKindOfClass:[MyViewController class]]) {
MyViewController *myViewController = vc;
[vc doSomething];
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