目前,我一直在使用 http://www.geoiptool.com/,但是我不能得到当地时间.我不知道如何获取当地时间.
Currently I've been using http://www.geoiptool.com/ but I can't get the local time. I don't know what to do to get the local time.
Can someone help me out, to display location + local time? I have a mail app and I try to display IP in location + local time.
Well, this is not real answer to your question but can help you to properly understand how inaccurate this method is.
Yes, it's OK to offer or set location/time for your users. But you should provide country/time selector for them also. Some of IP's can not be resolved properly (anonymous proxy, borrowed IPs from other countries (my case), continental IPs (like group "Europe", "Asia", etc), etc.
My case shows how this approach may be wrong.
When I've tried ipLocator from geobytes.com I've got this:
My IP address has been resolved to:
- 位置:罗马尼亚
- 时间偏移: +0200 (当前DST处于活动状态,因此它为
- Location: Romania
- Time offset: +0200 (at the moment DST is active so it's
真正的问题是我的位置不是 Romania
Real problem is that my location is not Romania
, and my time offset is +0100/+0200
Red arrow shows my real location. Info in black box shows correct values for my real location. Well, wrong location is not such a big problem for users, but wrong local time is very annoying thing.
是的,我知道,这不是您想要的.但是您不应该确定用户的位置和/或本地时间,因为这可能是错误的方法. IPv4地址肯定不能准确获取有关用户的真实信息.
Yes, I know, that's not what you're looking for. But you should not fix users location and/or local time because it can be wrong approach. IPv4 address is certainly not something accurate to get real info about user.
Also, I found that ipLocator doesn't follow DST rules and using that time offset (image #1) will show wrong local time during Summer (for countries/regions/provinces which consider DST).