本文介绍了iOS 使用 APNs Auth Key 发送推送:突然“403 Forbidden: {“reason":“InvalidProviderToken"}"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在发送带有 APNs 身份验证密钥(永不过期")的推送通知,该密钥一直运行良好,直到我突然收到

I'm sending my push notifications with an APNs Auth Key ("never expires") which worked well until suddenly I get

403 Forbidden: {"reason":"InvalidProviderToken"}


as a response when sending push notifications. What could be the reason for this when it worked once and suddenly it doesn't without having an expiration date? In the meantime it worked again for some pushes, but now I get the error again... Did anyone else experience this?




I've seen this in a couple of circumstances:

  1. 重新提交过期的提供者令牌似乎将令牌列入黑名单,并导致随后的 InvalidProviderToken 拒绝,而不是 ExpiredProviderToken 拒绝.检查您的日志以获取令牌到期消息.检查您的系统时钟以确保您没有生成时间戳倾斜的令牌.

  1. Resubmitting expired provider tokens seems to get the token blacklisted and results in subsequent InvalidProviderToken rejections rather than ExpiredProviderToken rejections. Check you logs for token expiry messages. Check your system clock to make sure that you're not generating tokens with skewed timestamps.


Submitting to invalid topics will invalidate all provider tokens on the connection (even previously valid ones). Only submit to topics that the key is bound to and only use one key per connection.

这篇关于iOS 使用 APNs Auth Key 发送推送:突然“403 Forbidden: {“reason":“InvalidProviderToken"}"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 20:45