I have come to a standstill in terms on threading together a sequence of Animations and then a controller action.
我基本上想做的基本上就是1. 单击按钮/div,2. 触发动画,3. 动画完成后,在控制器中运行一个函数来重置按钮/div
What I basically want to do is basically1. click on a button/div, 2.Trigger an Animation, 3. Once animation is complete run a function in a controller that resets the button/div
我已完成步骤 1 &2 并且只需要完成最后一点.
I have completed steps 1 & 2 and just need to get the last bit done.
<button ng-class="{'clicked':clicked, 'correct' : answer.answer == 'correct' }"
ng-click="clicked = true"
ng-repeat='answer in answers'
class="btn btn-answers answer-animation">
{{ answer.es }}
app.animation('.answer-animation', function(){
return {
beforeAddClass: function(element, className, done){
if (className === 'clicked') {
if( $(element).hasClass('correct') ){
$(element).addClass('animated bounce');
} else {
$(element).addClass('animated wobble');
else {
这是控制器的最后一步,我希望在动画完成后触发此控制器内的 submitAnswer 函数.主要位是submitAnswer
And here is the last step the controller, I want the trigger the submitAnswer function inside this controller, after the animation has finished. The main bit is submitAnswer
app.controller('Game', function($scope, $http, $location, QA, Rounds ) {
//Reset all QA buckets
$scope.round = 1;
$scope.playing = true;
$scope.answers = QA.answers();
$scope.question = QA.question();
$scope.submitAnswer = function(question, answer){
if($scope.round <= Rounds) {
if(question.en === answer.en){
$scope.answers = QA.answers();
$scope.question = QA.question();
if($scope.round === Rounds + 1){
$scope.playing = false;
$scope.message = 'Amazing well done!';
$scope.score = ($scope.round-1) * 1000;
else {
$scope.playing = false;
$scope.message = 'Sorry Wrong Answer :(';
$scope.score = ($scope.round-1) * 1000;
我试过像这样在 HTML 中编写 ng-click
I have tried writing the ng-click in the HTML like so
ng-click="clicked = true;submitAnswer(question, answer)"
然后在 submintAnswer 函数上设置 $timeout,但确实获得了应用程序应得的 UX.
and then setting a $timeout on the submintAnswer function, but does really get the UX the app deserves.
我最终还是想要一种在动画完成后触发控制器中的 submitAnswer 函数的方法.
Again ultimately I want a way to trigger the submitAnswer function in the controller after the animation is completed.
var $scope = angular.element(element).scope();
Though there are some problems with syncing the scope if this happens.
这篇关于如何在 Angular JS 中的动画之后触发控制器功能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!