var count = parseInt(0);
$ .ajax({
url:http:// myxml,
if($(this) .attr(id)=== id){
count + = parseInt($(this).attr(count));
$(。PlayerScore)。html )
< div class =PlayerScore> < / DIV>
创建您的视图功能,并在附加到此视图功能的URL.conf中创建一个URL模式。像/ points / save /
您需要创建ajax请求,将点数据和用户ID发送到指向您的视图功能的URL。通过GET / POST发送
您的查看功能将从从jquery ajax调用发送的用户ID查找用户,然后使用从ajax调用
Thanks to a javascript function and an ajax request, I have a count indicating the number of points a user makes when he uses my app. He can see that count on the page where he 'plays'.
Now, what I would like to do, is to pass this number into my views.py so that it modifies the object "Score" of my user.
I explain. Thanks to this function, I get the count:
var count = parseInt(0);
setInterval(function() {
type: "GET",
url: "http://myxml",
success: Escore
}, 60000);
function Escore(xml){
$(xml).find("user").each(function() {
if($(this).attr("id") === id ) {
count += parseInt($(this).attr("count"));
displayed in my html:
<div class="PlayerScore"> </div>
Now, I would like to modify the object "score" of my user thanks to that. Every minute, I have a request that gives me the number of points the player makes in my div. How can I take this count in order to modify my "request.user.userprofile.score" in my views.py?
I hope my question is not too confusing. Any help would be really welcome. thanks!
Hm If I understand the question, you need to do the following:
Create your view function, and create a URL pattern in URL.conf that attaches to this view function. Something like /points/save/
This function will likely require the points of the user and the user ID (so you can make changes to the specific user in the database)
You need to make an ajax request that sends the point data and the user ID To the URL that points to your view function. Sent through GET/POST
Your view function will lookup the user from the user id sent from jquery ajax call, then edit the user points with the points sent from the ajax call
Here are a few guides to help