本文介绍了傅立叶变换:获取mag +相位,然后使用其绘制原始信号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Hi guy's I'm working on simple signals and I want to calculate the Fourier transform of a signal, get the magnitude and phases, then reconstruct the original signal from that.



>> n=0:99;
>> N=length(n);
>> x = sin((2*pi/N).*n).*cos((pi/N).*n);
>> F = fft(x);
>> mag =  sqrt(real(F).^2 + imag(F).^2);
>> phase = atan2(imag(F),real(F));
>> re = mag .* cos(phase);
>> im = mag .* sin(phase);
>> F_i = re + 1i*im;
>> x_i = ifft(F_i);
>> figure;stem(x);figure;stem(x_i);


I completely get different graphs.


I'm actually doing this to test what would happen to a signal if the phase changes. So with this I will need the phase angle to construct the signal again.

我对Fourier + Matlab还是陌生的,所以如果我犯了一些随机的愚蠢错误,我深表歉意.如果你们能为我指出正确的方向,我将不胜感激.谢谢.

I'm still new to both Fourier + Matlab so I apologize if I'm making some random stupid mistake. I'll appreciate it if you guys can point me in the right direction. Thank you.



The problem is caused by round-off errors in phase, so don't use them when calulating the sine and consine of the phase angles. Instead, use trig identities cos(atan(A))=(1+A^2)^(-1/2), and sin(atan(A))=A*(1+A^2)^(-1/2), and so

re = mag .* real(F)./sqrt(real(F).^2+imag(F).^2);
im = mag .* imag(F)./sqrt(real(F).^2+imag(F).^2);


I think that if you want to change the phase angle by S, this will do the trick:

re = mag .* (real(F)*cos(S)-imag(F)*sin(S))./sqrt(real(F).^2+imag(F).^2);
im = mag .* (real(F)*sin(S)+imag(F)*cos(S))./sqrt(real(F).^2+imag(F).^2);


You will still sometimes get bad results with non-zero imaginary part (e.g. if S=pi), and you will need to plot either stem(real(x_i)) or stem(1:length(x_i),x_i) as Luis suggested.

这篇关于傅立叶变换:获取mag +相位,然后使用其绘制原始信号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 04:06