当我尝试在 iTunes Connect 上上传应用程序时出现以下错误:
I get the following error when I try to upload the application on iTunes Connect:
"Binary file names cannot contain a space. Please rename your binary file and try again."
如果我尝试在 XCode 中验证应用程序,我会得到:我的 Application.ipa:文件名不能包含空格"
If I try to Validate the Application in XCode, I get:"My Application.ipa: filename may not contain whitespace"
所以我想我必须找到一种方法来重命名这个 .ipa 文件.我不想更改必须保留我的应用程序"的产品名称.我该怎么做?
So I guess I have to find a way to rename this .ipa file. I don't want to change my product name which has to stay "My Application". How can I do that?
This works very well (taken from here: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/82971/filename-may-not-contain-whitespace-in-xcode-325-is-back):
1) 在 Xcode Organizer 中右键单击应用程序的构建日期并选择在 Finder 中显示存档应用程序"
1) In Xcode Organizer right click on the build date of the app and select "Reveal Archived App in Finder"
2) 在文本编辑器中打开 ArchiveInfo.plist(我使用 Coda)
2) Open ArchiveInfo.plist in a text editor (i used Coda)
3) 对我来说,在第 12 行它正在创建一个带有空格的应用程序:
3) For me at line 12 it was creating the application with a space:
<string>Example Name</string>
将其更改为 ExampleName 并保存文件.
Change that to ExampleName and save the file.
4) 回到 Xcode Organizer 后,您应该可以顺利通过.
4) Once you get back to Xcode Organizer, you should be able to go through fine.
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