本文介绍了在Heroku python应用程序上使用哪个端口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


因此,我创建了2个iOS应用程序(一个发送坐标,一个接收坐标)和一个python服务器.其中一个应用程序将GPS坐标发送到托管在heroku上的python服务器.然后,服务器会将接收到的GPS坐标发射到OTHER iOS客户端应用程序,该应用程序将在接收到的坐标上放置Apple Maps引脚.

So I have created 2 iOS apps (One sends coordinates, one receives them) and a python server. One of the apps sends GPS coordinates to my python server that is hosted on heroku. The server will then emit the received GPS coordinate to the OTHER iOS client app that will drop an Apple Maps pin on the received coordinate.

在具有任何指定端口的本地主机上进行测试时,该项目可以完美运行.但是,当我将服务器迁移到Heroku时,我收到之所以发生该错误,是因为Heroku设置了自己的端口供您使用,正如我的代码在其中指定要使用的端口一样.我已经浏览了很多小时,试图在其他人使用 os.environ ["PORT"] 等,但是由于我的Python和Twisted新手技能,我未能成功使iOS应用正确地与正确端口上的Heroku服务器通信.我的服务器代码如下:(注意:我正在使用Twisted)

The project works perfectly while testing on local host with any specified port. However when I have migrated the server to Heroku I was receiving this error The error occurs because Heroku sets it's own port for you to use, where as my code was specifying which port to use. I have been browsing SO for numerous hours trying to implement other peoples solutions where they use os.environ["PORT"] and so on, however due to my novice Python and Twisted skills I haven't succeeded in getting the iOS apps to properly communicate with the Heroku server on the right port. My code for my server is below: (note: I am using Twisted)

import os
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet import reactor

class IphoneChat(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
    print "clients are ", self.factory.clients

def connectionLost(self, reason):

def dataReceived(self, data):
    #print "data is ", data
    a = data.split(':')
    if len(a) > 1:
        command = a[0]
        content = a[1]

        msg = ""
        if command == "new":
            self.name = content
            msg = content

        elif command == "msg":
            msg = self.name + ": " + content

        print msg

        for c in self.factory.clients:

def message(self, message):
    self.transport.write(message + '\n')

factory = Factory()
factory.protocol = IphoneChat
factory.clients = []
port = 3000
reactor.listenTCP(port, factory)
print "Iphone Chat server started on port ", port



Heroku have a section in your settings where you can define environment variables.


I have a similar situation when running Django locally, but a similar fix may help you.


In heroku dashboard, select your app and then click the settings tab.


Then if you click reveal config vars and add the key name ON_HEROKU (or something similar if you prefer) with the value True.


Then in your python:

import os
ON_HEROKU = os.environ.get('ON_HEROKU')

    # get the heroku port
    port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 17995))  # as per OP comments default is 17995
    port = 3000


I'm not 100% sure if get('PORT') would be correct, I'm doing this off the top of my head.


Implementing it into your own code would involve something like:

factory = Factory()
factory.protocol = IphoneChat
factory.clients = []

import os
ON_HEROKU = os.environ.get('ON_HEROKU')
    # get the heroku port
    port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 17995))  # as per OP comments default is 17995
    port = 3000

reactor.listenTCP(port, factory)
print "Iphone Chat server started on port %s" % port

这篇关于在Heroku python应用程序上使用哪个端口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 06:05