I'm writing a basic parser that reads form stdin and prints results to stdout. The problem is that I'm having troubles with this grammar:
stmt: /* empty */
| word word term { printf("[stmt]\n"); }
| word number term { printf("[stmt]\n"); }
| word term
| number term
word: WORD { printf("[word]\n"); }
number: NUM { printf("[number]\n"); }
term: TERM { printf("[term]\n"); /* \n */}
当我运行程序时,我输入: hello world \ n .输出是(如我预期的那样) [word] [word] [term] [stmt] .到目前为止,还算不错,但是如果我再次输入: hello world \ n ,我会收到语法错误[word] [term] .
当我第三次键入 hello world \ n 时,它会工作,然后再次失败,然后它会工作,依此类推.
When I run the program, I and type: hello world\n The output is (as I expected) [word] [word] [term] [stmt]. So far, so good, but then if I type: hello world\n (again), I get syntax error [word][term].
When I type hello world\n (for the third time) it works, then it fails again, then it works, and so on and do forth.
Am I missing something obvious in here?
(I have some experience on hand rolled compilers, but I've not used lex/yacc et. al.)
int main() {
do {
} while(!feof(yyin));
return 0;
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
您的语法可识别单个 stmt
Your grammar recognises a single stmt
. Yacc/bison expect the grammar to describe the entire input, so after the statement is recognised, the parser waits for an end-of-input indication. But it doesn't get one, since you typed a second statement. That causes the parser to report a syntax error. But note that it has now read the first token in the second line.
您正在循环调用 yyparse()
,并且在获取语法错误返回值时不会停止.因此,当您再次调用 yyparse()
You are calling yyparse()
in a loop and not stopping when you get a syntax error return value. So when you call yyparse()
again, it will continue where the last one left off, which is just before the second token in the second line. What remains is just a single word, which it then correctly parses.
What you probably should do is write your parser so that it accepts any number of statements, and perhaps so that it does not die when it hits an error. That would look something like this:
prog: %empty
| prog line
line: stmt '\n' { puts("Got a statement"); }
| error '\n' { yyerrok; /* Simple error recovery */ }
请注意,只有在知道正确解析了该行之后,才为语句打印一条消息.事实证明,这通常不会那么混乱.但是最好的解决方案不是使用printf,而是使用Bison的跟踪工具,这就像将 -t
放在bison命令行上并设置全局变量 yydebug = 1;
Note that I print a message for a statement only after I know that the line was correctly parsed. That usually turns out to be less confusing. But the best solution is not use printf's, but rather to use Bison's trace facility, which is as simple as putting -t
on the bison command line and setting the global variable yydebug = 1;
. See Tracing your parser