



 < PHP的包括'connectmysqli.php; ?>
    < HTML>
        < HEAD>
            < META HTTP-当量=内容类型内容=text / html的;字符集= UTF-8>
            <冠军>选择测试< /标题>
        <脚本SRC =./ JS / jQuery的/ jquery.js和>< / SCRIPT>
            <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的字符集=utf-8>
      $ .getJSON('select.php',{客户ID:$(本).VAL()},功能(数据){

        为(变种X = 0 X  - 其中; data.length; X ++){
          选项​​+ ='<期权价值=+数据[X] ['身份证'] +'> +数据[X] ['章'] +'< /选项>';
            < / SCRIPT>
        < /头>
            <选择一个id =客户>
            < PHP
    $ SQL =<<< SQL
    选择 *
    如果($结果= $ DB->!查询($的SQL)){死(有运行查询错误['$ DB->错误']');}
    而($行= $ result-> FETCH_ASSOC()){
    如果($行['bussinessname'] ==''){$名称= $行['标题'。 '。$名字= $行['名字'。 '。$名字= $行['姓'];}其他
    {$名称= $行['bussinessname'];}
    回声'<期权价值='。$行['的customerID'。'>'$名字。< /选项>';
    回声'< /选择>< / P>';
            < /选择>
            <选择ID =车>
            < /选择>
        < /身体GT;
    < / HTML>


 < PHP的包括'connectmysqli.php; ?>
    < PHP
    的$ id = $ _GET ['客户ID'];
    $ SQL =SELECT * FROM WHERE车辆的customerID ='。 $ ID;
    $结果= $ DB->查询($ SQL);

    $ JSON =阵列();
    而($行= $ result-> FETCH_ASSOC()){
      $ JSON [] =阵列(
        'ID'=> $行['vehicleID'],
        '章'=> $行['章'] //不要你想叫什么名字?
    回声json_en code($ JSON);




 端口错误:无法建立连接。接收端不存在。 miscellaneous_bindings:235



 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的字符集=utf-8>
        $ .getJSON('select.php',{客户ID:$(本).VAL()},功能(数据){
            为(变种X = 0 X  - 其中; data.length; X ++){
                选项​​+ ='<期权价值=+数据[X] ['身份证'] +'> +数据[X] ['章'] +'< /选项>';

我也改变了 $$('#客户') $('#客户')。最后,解决您的SQL注入漏洞:

  $ SQL =SELECT * FROM WHERE车辆的customerID ='。 (INT)的$ id;

铸造的ID为INT将在这里prevent SQLI,但你应该考虑使用 prepared声明



    变种车= $('#车');

    为(变种X = 0 X  - 其中; data.length; X ++){
        vehicle.append(新选件(数据[X]的.reg,数据[X] .ID));


  • 存储选择在一个变量,这样我们就不必继续查询DOM在每次循环
  • 使用新的选项(...) .append()以创建选项并将其添加到车辆选择。像这样的建筑元素比创建原始的HTML,因为这种方式比较好,你不用担心的字符,如< > 中的数据 - 这将打破你的HTML与当前code
  • 您的数据是德codeD插入Javascript对象的数组,所以对象符号是preferred(数据[X] .ID ),而不是数据[X] ['身份证']

Ok, this is my very first attempt at Ajax and its driving me insane as I really cant get my head round it. What im trying to do is populate the first box with the customers from the database, and then use the customerID to select all the vehicleID's from the database using the select.php script.What is happening is the customers box is getting selected but when the select a customer nothing happens.

This is my Test.php file :

                    <?php include 'connectmysqli.php'; ?>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
            <title>Select test</title>
        <script src="./js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $$('#customer').on('change', function (){
      $.getJSON('select.php', {customerId: $(this).val()}, function(data){

        var options = '';
        for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
          options += '<option value="' + data[x]['id'] + '">' + data[x]['reg'] + '</option>';
            <select id="customer">
    $sql = <<<SQL
    SELECT *
    FROM `customers`
    if(!$result = $db->query($sql)){ die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');}
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
    if ($row['bussinessname'] == ''){$name = $row['title'].' '.$name = $row['firstname'].' '.$name = $row['surname'];}else
    {$name = $row['bussinessname'];}
    echo '<option value="'.$row['customerID'].'">'.$name.'</option>';
    echo '</select></p>';
            <select id="vehicle">

This is my select.php file :

                    <?php include 'connectmysqli.php'; ?>
    $id = $_GET['customerId'];
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE customerID = ' . $id;
    $result = $db->query($sql);

    $json = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
      $json[] = array(
        'id' => $row['vehicleID'],
        'reg' => $row['reg'] // Don't you want the name?
    echo json_encode($json);


I am attempting to mod this tutorial to work with the databases but so far i'm unsuccessful.http://remysharp.com/2007/01/20/auto-populating-select-boxes-using-jquery-ajax/

In the Chrome console I get the error :

Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.     miscellaneous_bindings:235

Your customer select's change event is being assigned before the select is rendered on the page. Move the event handler into document.ready:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $('#customer').on('change', function (){
        $.getJSON('select.php', {customerId: $(this).val()}, function(data){
            var options = '';
            for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
                options += '<option value="' + data[x]['id'] + '">' + data[x]['reg'] + '</option>';

I also changed $$('#customer') to $('#customer'). Finally, fix your SQL injection vulnerability:

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE customerID = ' . (int)$id;

Casting the ID as a int will prevent SQLi here, but you should consider using a Prepared Statement.

The error you mentioned in the question looks unrelated to your code. It looks related to a Chrome extension.

Not part of the problem but here is an improved version of your code that builds the vehicle options:

$.getJSON('select.php', {customerId: $(this).val()}, function(data){
    var vehicle = $('#vehicle');

    for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
        vehicle.append(new Option(data[x].reg, data[x].id));

The improvements are:

  • Storing the select in a variable, so that we don't have to keep querying the DOM on each iteration of the loop
  • Using new Option(...) and .append() to create the options and add them to the vehicle select. Building elements like this is better than creating raw HTML because this way, you don't have to worry about characters such as < and > in the data - which would break your HTML with the current code.
  • Your data is decoded into an array of Javascript objects, so the object notation is preferred (data[x].id) instead of data[x]['id'].


07-29 12:41