我在每页包含 6 列的历史报纸上使用 OCR.目前我使用 FineReader 并为每列定义文本块.我想使用 Tesseract.Tesseract 得到的列大多是正确的,但每隔几行就会读入相邻的列.我想知道是否有一种方法可以设置它的参数,以便六列看起来非常僵硬.
trpops 的杂货店、酒吧和咖啡店驻扎在开罗城堡.在上午 10 点之前收到此项服务的投标,1906 年 14 日星期六,星期六.亲自向指挥官申请,Citadel,在上午 10 点到每天中午12点.——_——_——有没有办法将 tesseract 限制到某些列边界?(显然我可以通过剪切图像来做到这一点,但我想避免这项工作.)
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I'm using OCR on historical newspapers that contain 6 columns per page. At present I use FineReader and define text blocks for each column. I'd like to use Tesseract. Tesseract gets the columns mostly right, but every few lines it reads into adjacent columns. I wonder if there's a way to set its parameters so that it will look quite rigidly for six columns.
Following suggestions on other questions, I've tried playing with --psm
and hocr without great success.
Working with a jpg I've posted on github, and converting it into a text-embedded pdf using this code tesseract 1906-07-02-p4.jpg out -l eng+fra --psm 1 pdf
I get this result:
Clearly the engine is making a bloc containing the indented lines, and another containing the flush lines.
Confirming this is the text output of the flush lines:
Grocery, Bar and Coffea shop of the trpops
stationed at the Citadel, Cairo.
to received tender for this service by 10 a.m.,
on Saturday, the 14th Jaly, 1906.
application in person to the Commandant,
Citadel, between the hours of 10 a.m. and
12 noon, daily.
Is there a way to constrain tesseract to certain column boundaries? (Obviously I could do this by cutting up the images but I'd like to avoid that work.)
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