


I got the results by running the code provided in this link Neural Network – Predicting Values of Multiple Variables. I was able to compute losses accuracy etc.However, every time I run this code, I get a new result. Is it possible to get the same (consistent) result?


代码随处都是 random.randint()!此外,权重在大多数情况下也是随机设置的,并且batch_size对结果也有影响(尽管影响很小).

The code is full of random.randint() everywhere! Furthermore, the weights are most of the time randomly set aswell, and the batch_size also has an influence (although pretty minor) in the result.

  1. Y_train,X_test,X_train是随机生成的
  2. 使用 adam 作为优化程序,这意味着您将执行随机梯度下降.以随机为起点进行迭代,以收敛.
  3. batch_size为8表示您将运行由8个随机所选样本组成的批次.
  1. Y_train, X_test, X_train are generated randomly
  2. Using adam as optimizer, means you'll be performing stochastic gradient descent. With a random beginning point of the iterations in order to converge.
  3. A batch_size of 8 means you will run batches consisting of 8 randomly selected samples.


  1. 在代码中设置一个随机种子,以始终具有使用 np.random.seed()
  2. 生成的随机值
  3. 尽管有很小的偏差,但不会产生太大的问题
  4. 与2相同.

如果我找到一种方法来解决 batch_size / epoch 问题的一致性抽样方法,我将编辑我的答案.

If I find a way to have consistente sampling methods for the batch_size/epoch issue I will edit my answer.


07-22 07:10