更新:这是您应该做的: 1.首先,您应该从响应中获得address_component var place = autocomplete.getPlace().address_components //it will give you an array of objects which has a type property.This type property holds different components of your address.Loop through it to get your desired component address_component = [ { "long_name" : "Australia", "short_name": "Aus", "types" : ["country"] }, { "long_name" : "Pyrmont", "short_name" : "Pyrmont", "types" : [ "locality", "political" ] }, { "long_name" : "Council of the City of Sydney", "short_name" : "Sydney", "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ] }, { "long_name" : "New South Wales", "short_name" : "NSW", "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ] }]您将遍历并找到所需的类型,并获取short_name或long _name并将其显示在屏幕上.如果您了解这一点,那么就很好了.如果没有,可以问我.检查所有可用的组件位置详细信息 代码: 声明一个组件图,该图将容纳您仅想使用的组件 var componentMap = { country: 'country', locality: 'locality', administrative_area_level_1 : 'administrative_area_level_1', }; for(var i = 0; i < place.length; i++){ var types = place[i].types; // get types array of each component for(var j = 0; j < types.length; j++){ // loop through the types array of each component as types is an array and same thing can be indicated by different name.As you can see in the json object above var component_type = types[j]; // check if this type is in your component map.If so that means you want this component if(componentMap.hasOwnProperty(component_type)){ console.log(place[i]['long_name']); } } }I think this is a new question and I have some example code.The code for google places autocomplete API is: function initialize() { var input = document.getElementById('searchField'); var options = { componentRestrictions: { country: ['uk', 'ie'] } }; var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options); google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() { var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); var placeStreet = autocomplete.getPlace()[0]; var place_ = place.name; var lat_ = place.geometry.location.lat(); var long_ = place.geometry.location.lng(); alert(place + ", street: " + placeStreet + ", " + place_ + ", " + lat_ + ", " + long_); }); }How do I get the town or region or country. As I'm from the UK, I need to detect town such as london, region or county = middlesex and country = United Kingdom. Is there anyway to do this? and how do I find the printout of getPlace() how do I get the Javascript object printed out.Thanks in advance***EDIT JSON.stringify(autocomplete.getPlaces()) prints out the object but how do I extract town, region, country etc.*** EDIT In my autocomplte my json object prints out objects in different orders so finding the 3 rd object will be postal town or administrative area. How do I search by type and get type country and the country or type postal_town and town. My json outputs are:1) { "address_components": [ { "long_name": "12-20", "short_name": "12-20", "types": [ "street_number" ] }, { "long_name": "Wood Street", "short_name": "Wood St", "types": [ "route" ] }, { "long_name": "Walthamstow", "short_name": "Walthamstow", "types": [ "neighborhood", "political" ] }, { "long_name": "London", "short_name": "London", "types": [ "postal_town" ] }, etc2) { "address_components": [ { "long_name": "London", "short_name": "London", "types": [ "locality", "political" ] }, { "long_name": "London", "short_name": "London", "types": [ "postal_town" ] }, { "long_name": "Greater London", "short_name": "Greater London", " types": [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ] }, 解决方案 I am not sure what you meant by town and region but you may try the following as i did to get city and state of a selected placefor town you can try : locality or sublocality_level_1 property.If locality returns no result use sublocality_level_1, I suggest try bothand for region you may try : administrative_area_level_1and for country use : countryHere's the api documentation : place autocomplete api documentationUpdate :Here's what you should do :1.First you should get the address_component from response var place = autocomplete.getPlace().address_components //it will give you an array of objects which has a type property.This type property holds different components of your address.Loop through it to get your desired component address_component = [ { "long_name" : "Australia", "short_name": "Aus", "types" : ["country"] }, { "long_name" : "Pyrmont", "short_name" : "Pyrmont", "types" : [ "locality", "political" ] }, { "long_name" : "Council of the City of Sydney", "short_name" : "Sydney", "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ] }, { "long_name" : "New South Wales", "short_name" : "NSW", "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ] }]you will loop through and find the types you need and get short_name or long _name and show it to the screen.If you understand this, you are good to go.If not you can ask me .Check all the components available Place DetailsCODE :declare a component map which will house the components you want to use only var componentMap = { country: 'country', locality: 'locality', administrative_area_level_1 : 'administrative_area_level_1', }; for(var i = 0; i < place.length; i++){ var types = place[i].types; // get types array of each component for(var j = 0; j < types.length; j++){ // loop through the types array of each component as types is an array and same thing can be indicated by different name.As you can see in the json object above var component_type = types[j]; // check if this type is in your component map.If so that means you want this component if(componentMap.hasOwnProperty(component_type)){ console.log(place[i]['long_name']); } } } 这篇关于Google Places自动完成API获取城镇和地区(JavaScript)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!