

当我尝试使用json.load()打开时,我有一个1.7 GB的JSON文件,那么它给出了内存错误,怎么能在python中读取json文件?

I have a 1.7 GB JSON file when I am trying to open with json.load() then it is giving memory error, How could read the json file in python?


My JSON file is a big array of objects containing specific keys.


Well if it is just one big array of objects and it is known the structure of objects beforehand then there is no need to use tools we could read it line by line. A line will just contain one element of the array. I noticed that is the way json files are stored, for me it worked as just

>>>for line in open('file.json','r').readline():
...    do something with(line)


您想要一个增量json解析器,例如 yajl 和一个它的python绑定.增量解析器从输入中读取尽可能少的内容,并在解码有意义的内容时调用回调.例如,仅从大json文件中提取数字:

You want an incremental json parser like yajl and one of its python bindings. An incremental parser reads as little as possible from the input and invokes a callback when something meaningful is decoded. For example, to pull only numbers from a big json file:

class ContentHandler(YajlContentHandler):
    def yajl_number(self, ctx, val):

parser = YajlParser(ContentHandler())

有关更多信息,请参见 http://pykler.github.com/yajl-py/.

See http://pykler.github.com/yajl-py/ for more info.


08-22 23:11