


Recently, when running our application, we met an out of memory exception.


This is the heap dump right before the exception happened

 def new generation   total 1572864K, used 366283K [0x00000006b0000000, 0x000000071aaa0000, 0x000000071aaa0000)
  eden space 1398144K, 13% used [0x00000006b0000000, 0x00000006bbb12d40, 0x0000000705560000)
  from space 174720K, 100% used [0x0000000710000000, 0x000000071aaa0000, 0x000000071aaa0000)
  to   space 174720K,   0% used [0x0000000705560000, 0x0000000705560000, 0x0000000710000000)

 tenured generation   total 3495296K, used 2658714K [0x000000071aaa0000, 0x00000007f0000000, 0x00000007f0000000)
  the space 3495296K,  76% used [0x000000071aaa0000, 0x00000007bcf06ba8, 0x00000007bcf06c00, 0x00000007f0000000)

 compacting perm gen  total 42048K, used 41778K [0x00000007f0000000, 0x00000007f2910000, 0x0000000800000000)
  the space 42048K,    99% used [0x00000007f0000000, 0x00000007f28ccb80, 0x00000007f28ccc00, 0x00000007f2910000)

No shared spaces configured.


It looks like old gen was almost full (76%). I assume when it finally reaches 100% OOM happens. However, it looks like eden is only at 13%.


Can someone explain why OOM happens even if there is still some space in young gen?



There is a dozen of different reasons why JVM may throw OutOfMemoryError, including

  • Java堆空间:在尝试分配大于两个堆生成中的最大连续可用块的对象或数组时;
  • 超出了GC开销限制:当JVM花在垃圾收集上的时间比例太高时(请参阅GCTimeLimitGCHeapFreeLimit);
  • PermGen空间(在Java 8之前)或元空间(从Java 8开始):当类元数据的数量超过MaxPermSizeMaxMetaspaceSize时;
  • 请求的数组大小超出VM限制:在尝试分配长度大于Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2的数组时;
  • 无法创建新的本机线程:在达到用户进程的操作系统限制(请参见ulimit -u)或没有足够的虚拟内存来为线程堆栈保留空间时;
  • 直接缓冲区内存:当所有直接ByteBuffer的大小超过MaxDirectMemorySize或没有可用的虚拟内存来满足直接缓冲区分配时;
  • 当JVM无法为其内部结构分配内存时,要么是由于可用虚拟内存已用完,要么是因为达到了特定的操作系统限制(例如,内存映射区域的最大数量);
  • 当JNI代码未能分配某些本机资源时;
  • 等等更不用说应用程序可以随时因为开发人员的决定而抛出OutOfMemoryError本身.
  • Java heap space: when trying to allocate an object or an array larger than maximum continuous free block in either of heap generations;
  • GC overhead limit exceeded: when the proportion of time JVM spends doing garbage collection becomes too high (see GCTimeLimit, GCHeapFreeLimit);
  • PermGen space (before Java 8) or Metaspace (since Java 8): when the amount of class metadata exceeds MaxPermSize or MaxMetaspaceSize;
  • Requested array size exceeds VM limit: when trying to allocate an array with length larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2;
  • Unable to create new native thread: when reaching the OS limit of user processes (see ulimit -u) or when there is not enough virtual memory to reserve space for thread stack;
  • Direct buffer memory: when the size of all direct ByteBuffers exceeds MaxDirectMemorySize or when there is no virtual memory available to satisfy direct buffer allocation;
  • When JVM cannot allocate memory for its internal structures, either because run out of available virtual memory or because certain OS limit reached (e.g. maximum number of memory map areas);
  • When JNI code failed to allocate some native resource;
  • Etc. Not to mention that an application can throw OutOfMemoryError itself at any time just because a developer decides so.


To find out what is the reason of your particular error, you should at least look at the error message, the stacktrace and GC logs.


08-04 08:08