I have two worksheets. The first lists my customers:
A |B |C
CustomerID |CustomerName |DateLastProject
MC001 |Ron Bolles |
MC002 |Neal Pearl |
MC003 |Meg Black |
On my second worksheet, I list the projects done for the customers (with the date):
A |B |C
CustomerID |ProjectID |Date
MC001 |MP112 |01/03/2013
MC002 |MP113 |01/08/2013
MC003 |MP114 |01/08/2013
MC001 |MP115 |01/15/2013
MC003 |MP129 |02/04/2013
我需要查找每个客户的最后一个项目日期并将其显示在客户工作表的 C 列中.这样客户就会出现:
I need to look up the last project date for each customer and display it in column C of the customers worksheet. So the customers would appear:
A |B |C
CustomerID |CustomerName |DateLastProject
MC001 |Ron Bolles |01/15/2013
MC002 |Neal Pearl |01/08/2013
MC003 |Meg Black |02/04/2013
You need to use the array formula for this.
但是您需要将其应用为数组公式,因此当您输入上述公式时:按下回车键时按 ctrl + shift.公式将显示为:{=MAX(IF(A2=F2:F6;H2:H6;""))}
BUT you will need to apply it as a ARRAY FORMULA, so when you enter the above formula:Push the ctrl + shift as you hit the enter button. And the formula will be shown as:{=MAX(IF(A2=F2:F6;H2:H6;""))}
(记得输入 F2 并按住 ctrl + shift 然后按回车键,它将是一个数组公式: {=MAX(IF(Sheet1!A2=Sheet2!A2:A6;Sheet2!C2:C6;""))}
(Remember to enter F2 and hold down ctrl + shift and then hit enter button and it will be an array formula as: {=MAX(IF(Sheet1!A2=Sheet2!A2:A6;Sheet2!C2:C6;""))}
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