我正在查看具有命名列的 1 和 0 的大型数据库,如下所示:
I'm looking at a large database of 1s and 0s with named columns, like this:
red blue green orange purple
────── ────── ────── ────── ──────
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 0
I want to concatenate all the headings (by row) where the row has a "1" below that heading. So ideally the first one would equal "green, purple" and the second would just read "blue". I have a large amount of data so anything with nesting of a hundred "IF" functions doesn't make sense.
=IF(B1:B5=1, 连接(A1:A5), "")
还有一些接近于此的东西,但我没有找到一种明显的方法来获得它.我也没有时间或足够的知识来处理 VBA.感谢所有帮助,谢谢!
and a couple things close to that, but I'm not finding an obvious way to get it. I also don't really have time or enough knowledge to deal with VBA. I appreciate all help, thanks!
多个单元格上的字符串连接最好留给 VBA 用户定义函数(又名 UDF>) 即使没有设置标准.您嵌套一百个IF"函数"的情况肯定会属于这一类.
String concatenation over more than a few cells is best left to a VBA User Defined Function (aka UDF) even without setting criteria. Your situation of "nesting of a hundred "IF" functions" would certainly put it in this category.
点击 +,当 VBE 打开时,立即使用下拉菜单插入 ► 模块 (+,).将以下内容粘贴到名为 Book1 - Module1 (Code) 的新窗格中.
Tap + and when the VBE opens, immedaitely use the pull-down menus to Insert ► Module (+,). Paste the following into the new pane titled something like Book1 - Module1 (Code).
Public Function conditional_concat(rSTRs As Range, rCRITs As Range, Optional sDELIM As String = ", ")
Dim c As Long, sTMP As String
For c = 1 To Application.Min(rSTRs.Cells.Count, rCRITs.Cells.Count)
If CBool(rCRITs(c).Value2) Then _
sTMP = sTMP & rSTRs(c).Value & sDELIM
Next c
conditional_concat = Left(sTMP, Application.Max(Len(sTMP) - Len(sDELIM), 0))
End Function
点击 + 返回到您的工作表.像使用任何本机 Excel 工作表函数一样使用此 UDF.语法是,
Tap + to return to your worksheet. Use this UDF like any native Excel worksheet function. The syntax is,
conditional_concat(<range of strings>, <range of conditions>, [optional] <delimiter as string>)
G2 中的公式是,
=conditional_concat(A$1:E$1, A2:E2)
这篇关于如果下面的列有 1,则连接顶行单元格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!