


I am trying to draw something on a live video. The best way to do that in my opinion is to handle the WM_PIANT event.


My purpose is to make the player draw first and after that the application. That way I will be able to draw on the video.It means that I want to be notified each time before we need to paint a new frame on the window and then handle the event.

我使用DirectshowNet,所以我用C#编程(我具有c ++ API的所有接口已).我了解图形管理器会将某些窗口消息转发到视频渲染器,例如WM_PAINT.

I use DirectshowNet so I am programming in C# (I have all the interfaces the c++'s APIhas). I understand that the graph manager forward certain window messages to the Video Renderer such as the WM_PAINT.


How can I cause the player to draw a frame before the application and not after?



WM_PAINT is not the best way, moreover it is the wrong way.


Check out DxText sample from DirectShow.NET library. Its description is:


This is so close to what you are trying to reach. An alternate approach is shown in another sample there, BitmapMixer:

此示例主要围绕IVMRMixerBitmap9接口构建. 此接口接受位图作为GDI设备上下文或Direct3D 表面. Direct3D Surface的主要优点是它 启用真正的Alpha透明度. GDI DC不支持 通过使用颜色键控可以实现alpha位图和透明度.

This sample is mainly built around the IVMRMixerBitmap9 interface. This interface accept bitmaps as a GDI Device Context or as a Direct3D Surface. The main advantage of the Direct3D Surface is that it enables the use of true alpha transparency. GDI DC don't support alpha bitmap and transparency is accomplished by using color keying.

此示例使用GDI +动态生成位图.

This sample dynamically generates bitmaps using GDI+.


09-05 13:45