My OS is linux. I program in C. I know I can use the lstat() to recognize the soft link, i.e., use S_ISLNK(st.st_mode). But how can I recognize the link is hard link? if the link is hard link, it will be thought of as regular file. However, I also want to distinguish the regular file from the hard link. Are there any ways to handle this case?
硬链接"实际上并没有什么特别的.它只是一个目录条目,恰好指向磁盘上与其他位置的目录条目相同的数据.可靠地识别硬链接的唯一方法是将文件系统上的 all 路径映射到inode,然后查看哪些指向相同的值.
A "hard link" isn't actually anything special. It's just a directory entry that happens to point to the same data on disk as a directory entry somewhere else. The only way to reliably identify hard links is to map all the paths on your filesystem to inodes, and then see which ones point to the same value.