本文介绍了将CasperJS与"--ssl-protocol = tlsv1 --engine = slimerjs"一起使用时的未知选项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


自从出现sslv3 POODLE错误以来,我无法通过"--engine = slimerjs"选项使用casperjs.

Every since the sslv3 POODLE bug came out I am unable to use casperjs with the "--engine=slimerjs" option.


Before POODLE I was able to run my casperjs script like this:

casperjs --engine=slimerjs script.js

但是在POODLE之后,我还需要将"--ssl-protocol = tlsv1"发送给casperjs.无需使用像这样的苗条选项即可工作:

But after POODLE I needed to also send the "--ssl-protocol=tlsv1" to casperjs. This works without using the slimer option like this:

casperjs --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 script.js


Now if I want to use the slimerjs engine and send the ssl-protocol like this:

casperjs --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 --engine=slimerjs script.js


unknown option --ssl-protocol=tlsv1

如何通过"--ssl-protocol = tlsv1"选项将casperjs与slimerjs一起使用?

How can I use casperjs with slimerjs with the "--ssl-protocol=tlsv1" option?


此问题从SlimerJS 0.9.5开始已解决,并且在这种情况下支持与PhantomJS 2的完全兼容性.参见此提交.

This issue is resolved from SlimerJS 0.9.5 onwards and supports full compatibility with PhantomJS 2 for this case. See this commit.


docs 表示它不受支持,并且由于SSL如此低级,因此除了等待新版本的slimerjs(当前版本为0.9.3)之外,它甚至不是解决方法.

The docs say it is unsupported and since SSL is so low-level, there is probably not even a workaround besides waiting for a new version of slimerjs (current version 0.9.3).


The bottom line is that SlimerJS is now unusable on all sites that removed SSLv3 support. This is the general SlimerJS issue: Support of SSL options.

这篇关于将CasperJS与"--ssl-protocol = tlsv1 --engine = slimerjs"一起使用时的未知选项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 09:18