我有一个简单的 ng-repeat-start 和 end 用例,并且工作正常,当我想添加内部 ng-repeat 时出现问题.这是我的代码
Hi I have a simple use case for ng-repeat-start and end and is working just fine, the problem appears when I want to add an inner ng-repeat.Here is the my code
<tr ng-repeat-start="obj in rows" >
<td ng-repeat="e in obj.row">{{e}}</td>
<tr ng-repeat-end>
<td colspan="4">{{obj.description}}</td>
td 元素中的内部 ng-repeat 不起作用,我在检查 html 源代码时看到了 ngRepeat 注释,但未创建 td 元素.
The inner ng-repeat into td element is not working, I'm seeing the ngRepeat comment when I inspect the html source code, but the td elements are not being created.
<!-- ngRepeat: e in obj.row -->
My ugly workaround (given that I know the size of that vector) is:
<tr ng-repeat-start="obj in rows" >
<tr ng-repeat-end>
<td colspan="4">{{obj.description}}</td>
我不确定你是否在使用 angular 1.1.6,因为 ng-repeat-start
和 ng-repeat-end
在 1.1.5 或 1.0.7 中尚不可用.
I am not sure whether you are using angular 1.1.6 or not since ng-repeat-start
and ng-repeat-end
are not available in 1.1.5 or 1.0.7 yet.
However, you don't actually have to use the new directives to achieve that. You can simply implement it like this for right now:
<tbody ng-repeat="obj in rows">
<tr ng-repeat="e in obj.row">
<td colspan="4">{{obj.description}}</td>
AngularJS 1.1.6 正式发布时,可以使用ng-repeat-start
You may use ng-repeat-start
and ng-repeat-end
to reimplement it when AngularJS 1.1.6 version is officially released.
这篇关于angularjs:ng-repeat-start 和 ng-repeat-end 带有内部 ng-repeat的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!