1: - 阻止外发电子邮件到某些域(Gmail,Hotmail,Yahoo等) 1:- To block outgoing emails to certain domains (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) 和 推荐答案此论坛围绕Silverlight .NET应用程序开发问题进行讨论。 This forum is discuss around Silverlight .NET applications development issue. 根据您的描述,您的问题似乎与邮箱设置有关。你能告诉我们你用的是哪个邮箱吗?你的意思是使用邮箱或为邮箱开发一些插件吗? According to your description, your problem seems related to mail box settings. Could you tell us which mail box do you use? And do you mean use the mail box or develop some plugins for the mail box? 我会帮你找到正确的论坛,以便更好地帮助你解决问题。感谢您的理解。 I will help you find the correct forum to get better help for your questions. Thanks for your understanding. 最好的问候, Weiwei Best Regards, Weiwei 这篇关于阻止向某个域发送电子邮件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 08-23 00:42 |