


I am currently having an issue saving special characters (® & ©) to a mySQL database.


On a local stack (local to my development machine) the operation runs smoothly and what is entered in the front-end gets saved as what is expected.


With the same front-end code on the centralised server when saving to the DB the character is proceeded with other characters it is saved as ®.This isn't an issue when viewing the record on the front-end as it reverses what it does and displays correctly.


The issue comes from another separate system which utilises the same database and doesn't do any alteration so appears as the ® instead of simply ®.


The reason for my confusion is that it seems to work as required on my local stack but not on the centralised server.


I am looking for ideas as to what to look for which might be causing this on the servers configuration compared to my local.



@Pranav Hosangadi(感谢)介绍了三个方面,以检查编码的一致性.以下解决方案对此有所补充.对于某些情况(在我能够重现并找到您的问题的解决方案时并不需要此答案),某些情况下,这个答案并不能解决问题,@ Soaice Mircea的答案(也要感谢)可能也是值得考虑的(变体) . @Pranav的思路对于此问题似乎是成功的,因为它涉及在各处而不是特定位置使用一个字符集的一致性.

@Pranav Hosangadi (thanks) covers three areas to check for consistency of encoding. The following solution adds to that. It may also be worth considering (a variation of) @Soaice Mircea's answer (thanks also) for some scenarios whereby this answer doesn't fix the problem although this wasn't required when I was able to reproduce and find a solution to your problem. @Pranav's line of thinking seems to be successful for this problem as it's about consistency of using one character set everywhere rather than a particular one.


  1. 确保数据库字符集和表始终使用相同的字符集,例如在phpmyadmin中进行检查,请注意并在下面使用该字符集

  1. ensure database charset and tables use same charset throughout, inspect this in phpmyadmin for example, note and this charset for use below

对数据库字符集使用php header()函数,例如:

use php header() function with database charset e.g.:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=latin1_swedish_ci');

  • 在HTML标头中插入元标记,例如:

  • insert meta tag in html header e.g.:

    <meta http-equiv="content-type"

  • 在表单标签中添加字符集

  • add charset-accept in form tag

    <form action=\"testsubmit.php\" method=\"post\" accept-charset=\"latin1_swedish_ci\">

  • 设置mysql连接的字符集,例如:

  • set charset of mysql connection e.g.:

    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","test","test");
    mysql_set_charset ( "latin1_swedish_ci", $con );

  • 这篇关于将特殊字符保存到MySQL数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-20 07:37