


In C# struct, we can know clearly the purpose of a variable by it's name. For example,

public struct Book
    public string title;
    public string author;


Then, i know b.title is a type of string and it's referring to title.


However in C# dictionary, we can only specify the type

Dictionary<string,string> d

我如何使代码更具可读性,使得字典的键是字符串类型,它是指标题,而值是字符串类型,它是指作者?这意味着,其他人可以很容易地知道d ["J.R.R.Tolkien"]在阅读代码时是对词典的错误使用.

How can i make the code more readable such that the key of the dictionary is type of string and it is referring to title, and the value is type of string and it is referring to author? That means, other people can easily know that d["J.R.R. Tolkien"] is a wrong use of the dictionary when reading the code.

编辑@mike z建议使用变量名称 titleToAuthor 来提高可读性.但是我真正的问题是在代码中有嵌套的字典.例如.

EDIT@mike z suggested to use a variable name titleToAuthor to help readability. But my real issue is that in the code there are nested dictionary. E.g.

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>,
or even 3 levels
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string , Dictionary< string , string[] >>>.


We want to keep to convenience of using Dictionary without creating our own class but at the same time we need some way to improve the readability


如@ScottDorman所建议的,您可以定义一个从Dictionary<string, string>派生的新类型TitleAuthorDictionary,如下所示:

As suggested by @ScottDorman you could define a new Type TitleAuthorDictionary that derives from Dictionary<string, string>, like so:

public class TitleAuthorDictionary : Dictionary<string, string>
    public new void Add(string title, string author)
        base.Add(title, author);

    public new string this[string title]
        get { return base[title]; }
        set { base[title] = value; }

然后您可以使用更具可读性的Dictionary Collection,如下所示:

You could then use the more readable Dictionary Collection, like this:

TitleAuthorDictionary dictionary = new TitleAuthorDictionary();
dictionary.Add("Title1", "Author1");
dictionary.Add(title: "Title2", author: "Author2");
dictionary["Title2"] = "Author3";


08-19 11:49