




i) In a JSF2 application, I want to create a page with a tab control, where, when the user clicks on a tab, the contents for the panel below is loaded from an xhtml file in the server through an ajax call.
ii) I want this to support graceful degradation (when Javascript is disabled), so that upon clicking the tab, an HTTP request is fired, and a new page is loaded...or the other way round, through progressive enhancement.

: -

Partial solutions:i) I guess I can accomplish this through the code example posted by BalusC in How to ajax jsf 2 outputLink

<f:ajax render=":include">
    <h:commandLink value="Home" action="#{menuManager.setPage('home')}" /><br />
    <h:commandLink value="FAQ" action="#{menuManager.setPage('faq')}" /><br />
    <h:commandLink value="Contact" action="#{menuManager.setPage('contact')}" /><br />

<h:panelGroup id="include">
    <ui:include src="#{menuManager.page}.xhtml" />



How can I extend this to solve problem (ii) Or is there any other completely different method? I think maybe I could achieve this with a noscript, but can't figure out how!

编辑:可能的解决方案 - 但验证

即使禁用了ajax,上述代码仍然有效;它应该只通过HTTP工作,根据 :)¥b $ b优雅!我会尝试一下。

Possible solution - yet to verify:
The above code should work even if ajax is disabled; it should just work through HTTP, according to http://www.laliluna.de/articles/posts/jsf-2-evaluation-test.html :)
Elegant! I'll try it out.


如果您使用< h:commandButton> 而不是< h:commandLink> ,那么当JS被禁用时它会正常工作。无论如何,命令链接需要JS以提交隐藏​​的POST表单,ajaxified或notjaxified。你可以在必要时使用一些CSS来使命令按钮看起来像链接(例如删除边框,背景,插图等)。

If you use <h:commandButton> instead of <h:commandLink>, then it will work just fine when JS is disabled. The command links require JS anyway in order to submit a "hidden" POST form, ajaxified or not. You could if necessary throw in some CSS to make the command buttons to look like links (e.g. remove border, background, inset, etc).

作为一个完全不同的选择,无论如何,使用< h:outputLink> < h:link> 将页面设为GET请求请求参数或pathinfo并使用 jQuery.load()而不是不引人注意地获取包含页面,提取相关部分并包含在HTML DOM树中。

As a completely different alternative, make them GET requests anyway by using <h:outputLink> or <h:link> with the page as a request parameter or pathinfo and use jQuery.load() instead to unobtrusively obtain the include page, extract the relevant portion and include in the HTML DOM tree.


07-29 17:25