

Kaa平台作为 IoT Cloud平台已预先构建为可在亚马逊AWS或Virtualbox Sandbox上运行.是否可以立即将其部署到 openshift ,尤其是免费入门计划?如果没有,那么需要什么才能使其正常工作?

The Kaa platform as an IoT cloud platform is prebuilt to run on amazon aws or a virtualbox sandbox. Is it immediately deployable to openshift, especially the starter free plan? If not, what it takes to get it to work?

我在openshift上查看了 python 使用 S2I 来对 Python的软件集合版本,例如2.7 .我想知道这些项目或技术如何协同工作,以使Kaa在多个平台上运行,或使Kaa的更多版本/风味/变体在平台上运行.一个有趣的问题,但我不确定思维方式是否正确.尽管这只是为了添加一些我一直在查看的背景信息的提示,但可能与此处提出的问题有关,也可能与之无关.

I have looked at the python on openshift which uses the S2I to dockerize a software collections version of python, e.g. 2.7. I'm wondering how these projects or technologies would work together to make Kaa to run on multiple platforms, or to make more versions/flavors/variants of Kaa to run on platforms. An interesting question, but I'm not sure the way of thinking is right. Though this is just to add some hints of the background information that I've been looking at, may or may not be related to the questions asked here.



You can use different workflows to achieve the goal:


It seems there are Docker images ready to use[1], so you can try deploy it in Openshift and see what happens.

您可以在Openshift中创建自定义s2i [2]映像,并使用运行Kaa所需的所有基本软件来创建Dockerfile.

You can create a custom s2i[2] image in Openshift and create a Dockerfile with all the base software you need to run Kaa.

您可以创建一个包含/添加所需所有软件的Dockerfile(也许是编辑现有的Kaa Dockerfile),然后使用docker策略创建一个BuildConfig [3]并在Openshift项目中运行它,以将您的Kaa映像添加到imagestream,然后使用Deploymentconfig [4]从您的Kaa imagestream部署Pod.

You can create a Dockerfile (maybe editing the exsisting Kaa Dockerfile) that contains/add all the software you need, then create a BuildConfig with docker strategy[3] and run it in an Openshift project to add your Kaa image to the imagestream and then deploy Pods from your Kaa imagestream with a Deploymentconfig[4].

[1]: https://kaaproject.github.io/kaa/docs/v0.10.0/Administration-guide/System-installation/Docker-deployment/

[2]: https://blog.openshift.com/create- s2i-builder-image/

[3]: https ://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.7/dev_guide/builds/build_strategies.html#docker-strategy-options

[4]: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.7/dev_guide/deployments/how_deployments_work.html#creating-a-deployment-configuration


07-22 18:30