in last question,i don't express my use-case clearly. now i describe my requirement.in my client,i need to connect to Server with QTcpSocket.in most cases, i can write and read in gui thread(main thread).how ever,in some time-consuming tasks,i need a single worker thread to execute task. when i connect the server in gui thread,i keep the connection all the time.if i use a new QTcpSocket in worker thread,must i disconnect the socket in gui thread? and connect to Server again?
class Widget:public QWidget
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
QHostAddress host;
unsigned int port;
QTcpSocket *socket;
private slots:
void startConnect()
void sendData()
//just send some bytes
void doTimeConsumingTask()
//must i disconnect gui->socket connection before the Worker is running?
// socket->disconnectFromHost();
Worker * w = new Worker();
class Worker:public QThread
void run()
QTcpSocket socket;
// must i connectToHost again here ?
// do something consuming time
QHostAddress host;
unsigned int port;
对您的问题的简单解决方案是不直接从工作线程访问QTcpSocket.最终,您可能想对工作线程中的套接字进行的所有操作都是向套接字发送数据和/或从套接字接收数据.在这种情况下,您可以简单地使工作线程发出带有QByteArray参数的信号,然后将该信号连接到GUI线程上的插槽,然后在QTcpSocket上调用write(const QByteArray& byteArray)
The easy solution to your problem is to not directly access the QTcpSocket from the worker thread. Ultimately, all you probably want to do with the socket from the worker thread is send and/or receive data to/from it. In that case, you can simply have the worker thread emit a signal with a QByteArray parameter, then connect that signal to a slot on the GUI thread that then calls write(const QByteArray& byteArray)
on the QTcpSocket. Similarly, you can have your data receive function (whatever is connected to the readyRead() signal of the socket) either live in the worker thread, or live in your main thread, but upon receipt of data that the worker thread needs to process, pass it that data via a signal/slot connection.
另一种选择是,如果您必须直接访问套接字(例如,您需要做的不仅仅是写套接字,也许您必须能够关闭它或执行其他操作),则需要将该套接字的所有使用包装在互斥锁,在两个线程上.最好通过将原始QTcpSocket包装在另一个类中来完成此操作,该类仅公开您需要的一些方法,并且始终具有如下调用:QMutexLocker locker(theMutex);
The alternative, if you must directly access the socket (say, you need to do more than write to it, maybe you have to be able to close it or whatever), you need to wrap every use of that socket in a mutex, on both threads. This is probably best done by wrapping the raw QTcpSocket in another class that exposes only a few methods that you need, and always has a call like:QMutexLocker locker(theMutex);
At the beginning of each function.