我有一个简单的 Windows 窗体应用程序来试用 Live Connect 和 Azure 移动服务.不是 Windows 8 现代应用程序.
I have a simple Windows Forms Application to try Live Connect and Azure Mobile Services. Not a Windows 8 Modern App.
我正在尝试为 Live Connect 使用一些示例代码,并且能够让登录部分正常工作.最后我在登录后得到一个access_token.
I'm trying to make use of some sample code for Live Connect and have been able to get the sign-in part to work fine. In the end I get an access_token after signing in.
在同一 Windows 窗体应用程序的移动服务端,我正在尝试使用 REST 登录.但是,我似乎收到401 Unauthorized"响应,因为身份验证令牌的签名格式错误或由不同的密钥签名"
On the Mobile Services side in the same Windows Forms Application, I'm trying to use REST to login. However, I seeem to get an "401 Unauthorized" response because "The authentication token's signature was malformed or signed by a different key"
JWT 似乎有两个 '.'在令牌中.SWT 似乎有 '/'、'+' 和 '='
JWT seem to have two '.' in the token.SWT seem to have '/', '+' and '='
有没有办法配置 Live Connect,以便返回的身份验证令牌是 JWT(或任何移动服务期望的)?
Is there a way to configure Live Connect so that the authentication token returned is JWT (or whatever Mobile Services expects)?
我已经检查了 Live Connect 和 Mobile Services 上的客户端密码,它们是正确的.
I've check the client secret on both Live Connect and Mobile Services, and they are correct.
正如@carlosfigueira 所指出的,在 Live Connect 开发者中心,您的应用需要在重定向域字段中有一些东西.它可以是一个虚拟 URI.
As pointed out by @carlosfigueira, in the Live Connect Developer Center, your app needs to have something in the redirect domain field. It can be a dummy URI.
这篇关于用于 Azure 移动服务 (REST) 的 Live Connect 身份验证令牌的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!