似乎IE6忽略了通过http标头发送的任何形式的缓存失效,我尝试将Pragma设置为No Cache并将Cache Expiration设置为当前时间,但在IE6中,回击将始终拉出缓存版本我正在处理的页面。
It seems that IE6 ignores any form of cache invalidation sent via http headers, I've tried setting Pragma to No Cache and setting Cache Expiration to the current time, yet in IE6, hitting back will always pull up a cached version of a page I am working on.
Is there a specific HTTP Header that IE6 does listen too?
Cache-Control:private,max-age = 0
应该修复它。从经典ASP开始,这是通过 Response.Expires = -1
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
should fix it. From classic ASP this is done with Response.Expires=-1
Keep in mind when testing that just because your server is serving pages with caching turned off doesn't mean that the browser will obey that when it has an old cached page that it was told was okay to cache. Clear the cache or use F5 to force that page to be reloaded.
Also, for those cases where the server is serving cached content it you can use to signal the server not to serve it from cache.