


Here, I have use.js and use.jade.

在use.js中,我只是通过指定 var $ image = $(pclass +'img_01'); 将玉器中的硬编码图像变量 img_01 映射到use.js.>

In use.js, I am simply mapping hardcoded image variable img_01 from jade to use.js by specifying var $image= $(pclass + 'img_01');

在.js中,我使用一些有用的图像分配$ image. $ image.attr('src',有用的图像)使用.jade中的 img.use--img_01 ,我可以显示图像(useful_image).现在,我的约束是我不想在.jade中进行硬编码,而让.jade显示尽可能多的.js图片.

In .js, I am assigning $image by some useful image using $image.attr('src', useful_image) Using img.use--img_01 in .jade, I am able to display the image (useful_image).Now, my constraint is I don't want to hard code in .jade and let .jade display images as many as provided by .js.

因此,我可以在 var $ image = [] 的.js中创建数组,然后在 $ image.push($(pclass +'img_'+ N.toString()),其中N从0到K不等(假设K = 3).

So, I am able to create the array in .js of var $image=[] and then $image.push($(pclass + 'img_' + N.toString()) where N varies from 0 to K (lets say K =3).

现在,我要在.jade中调用这些 img_0,img_1,img_2 ..... img_K 并将其显示在页面上.

Now I want to call these img_0, img_1, img_2 .....img_K in .jade and display them on page.

所以我的具体问题是我无法在.jade中迭代 [img_0,img_1,img_2 ..... img_K] .谁能告诉我这样做的最好方法是什么??

So my specific question is I am not able to iterate [img_0, img_1, img_2 .....img_K] in .jade. Can anyone tell what could be best method to do so????


Pls note: I used rendering method. For the same I used

var express = require('express');var app = express();

但是,node.js本身因使用app.get ...而崩溃……

But, node.js gets crashed with this itself leave aside using app.get...



You can pass object from server to client in this way.

 app.get(..., function (req, res) {
        var stats = { ... };
        res.render('chart', { images: $arrImage });

要在客户端循环,可以使用 jade#each .

For looping at client ,you can use jade#each.

each oneImage in images
 img( src=oneImage.image)

注意:翡翠已被贬低,因此请尝试使用 Pug#each

Note : Jade is depricated,So try to use Pug#each


10-29 01:53