I know that there have been similar questions. The examples given in them are too fragmentary and unclear.
I need to edit the entities through a form on the page that sends the POST. The standard method is a method in the controller uses the parameter with @ModelAttribute and validator. If one form serves some subclass of an abstract class, there are no problems with the generation of the necessary fields, but there is a problem in the controller.
据我所知它,@ ModelAttribute以这种方式工作:它初始化所需的对象类,然后收集他的请求参数的字段。当然,如果对象是抽象类,则无法初始化。因此,表单有一个字段,指示要初始化的子类。接下来,我们需要代码的和平,它将读取此属性并初始化正确的子类。它应该是什么?我看到了关于Converter,PrepertyEditor,WebDataBinder的零碎例子,但很难将所有内容放在一起。
As I understand it, @ModelAttribute works this way: it initializes the desired object class, and then collects his fields of the parameters of the request. Of course, if the object is an abstract class, it can not be initialized. Therefore, the form has a field that will indicate what subclass to initialize. Next, we need peace of code, that will read this attribute and initialize the correct subclass. What should it be? I saw fragmentary examples about the Converter, PrepertyEditor, WebDataBinder, but difficult to put everything together.
So. There are the following hierarchy:
public abstract class Person {role, name, email, password ...}
public class Student extends Person {}
public class Lecturer extends Person {}
There is a controller and methods in it:
@RequestMapping (Path = "/ persons / uid {personId} / edit",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String editPerson (@PathVariable Integer personId, Model model) {
Person find = personDAO.read (personId);
model.addAttribute ( "person", find);
return "editPerson";
@RequestMapping (Path = "/ persons / uid {personId} / edit",
method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String editPersonPost (@PathVariable Integer personId,
@Valid @ModelAttribute ( "Person") Person person,
BindingResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors ()) return "editPerson error = true?";
personDAO.update (person);
return "redirect: / persons / uid" + personId + "saved = true?";
And there is a JSP with a form:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
<%@taglib uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags/form" prefix="form"%>
<form:form action="edit" method="post" commandName="person">
<input type="hidden" value="${person.role}" name="person_type" />
<td><form:input path="httpAuth.password" type="password"/></td>
<td><form:errors path="httpAuth.password" cssClass="error"></form:errors></td>
<td><form:input path="email" /></td>
<td><form:errors path="email" cssClass="error"></form:errors></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Save"></td>
Also, the converter has been written, but I doubt whether it is necessary, or else do it (inheriting another class ...)
public class PersonConverter implements Converter <String, Person> {
public Person convert (String personType) {
Person person = null;
switch (personType) {
case "Student":
person = new Student ();
case "Lecturer":
person = new Lecturer ();
throw new IllegalArgumentException (
"Unknown person type:" + personType);
return person;
Which is registered with ConversionService
<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.ConversionServiceFactoryBean"
<property name="converters">
<bean class="schedule.service.PersonConverter"></bean>
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="theConversionService" validator="validator"/>
然而,缺少某些东西,这是一种需要 person_type 来自请求参数并将其提供给转换器,它将通过自动绑定机制返回控制器方法的结果。
Nevertheless, something is missing, that is a method that will take
from request parameters and give it to converter, and it will return a result of the method the controller via the automatic binding mechanisms.
You just need to ensure that the element below
<input type="hidden" value="${person.role}" name="person_type" />
<input type="hidden" value="${person.role}" name="person" />
so that it matches the model attribute in your controller
public String editPersonPost (@PathVariable Integer personId,
@Valid @ModelAttribute ( "person") Person person,
BindingResult result)
When a request is received and Spring needs to create the model attribute it checks if the attribute already exists. If it doesn`t exist and there is no request parameter of matching name it creates a new object using the default constructor of the parameter class
If it exists and matches the argument type it proceeds to bind the request parameters. If it is not compatible or a request parameter of same name is available it tries to find a converter capable of converting the current value to the required type
If conversion is successful it binds the request parameters to the result otherwise it throws an Exception
在您的情况下,person属性作为String发送。 Spring将尝试将其转换为Person。在绑定
In your case the person attribute is sent as a String. Spring will attempt to convert it to a Person. It picks your PersonConverter to do the conversion to an appropriate subclass before binding