

问题很简单我应该在mvc设计模式(Zend,Symphony,Cakephp,Codeigniter)中进行表单验证过程。我问这个问题是因为我有自己的框架。但是我无法决定我应该在哪里处理表单验证。例如,我可以在控制器中编写if语句,但这会使控制器胖,或者我可以在模型函数中添加验证语句(在User :: register(,,)中)。当然这并不是很复杂的事情,但我的目的是要了解在企业级应用程序中如何做。




作为一个健全检查,ASP.NET MVC框架似乎也朝着这个方向前进。由于这个问题被标记为php,我不知道这最后一条信息是加强还是削弱了这个论点。

Question is simple . Where should I put form verification process in the mvc design pattern (Zend , Symphony, Cakephp, Codeigniter) . I ask this question because i have my own framework. But i can not decide where should i handle form verification . For example , i can write if statements in controller but this makes controller "fat" , or i can add verification statements in model function ( in User::register( , , ) ) . Of course this is not very complex thing ,but my aim is to understand how do they do in enterprise level applications .


If you consider the Models in MVC as what we in the .NET world call ViewModels (and I believe are called Presentation Models elsewhere) instead of Domain Models, the Model would be an excellent place to add validation/verification.

This would allow you to reuse the verification logic anywhere you are reusing the Model, and it makes sense since the Model would be encapsulating the verification logic together with the data. That sounds like high cohesion to me.

As a sanity check, the ASP.NET MVC framework seems to be heading in that direction as well. Since the question is tagged 'php' I'm not sure this last piece of information strengthens or weakens the argument.


08-23 01:47