




我是pretty的新jQuery的/ AJAX,所以我可能无法正确​​这样做,但我怎么能得到jQuery来关注我的第二个(动态生成)的形式?


 <表格名称=addinvID =addinv行动=admin_process.php方法=邮报>
            <传奇>添加库存和LT; /传说>
            <输入类型=隐藏名称=actiontotakeID =actiontotake值=无/>
              < /字幕>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>价格< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=价格ID =价格的tabindex =1/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>制造商< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=制造ID =制造的tabindex =2/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>型号:LT; / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=模式ID =模式的tabindex =3/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>序列号< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=SNID =SN的tabindex =4/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>年< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=年ID =年的tabindex =5/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>尺寸(尺寸)< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=维度ID =尺寸的tabindex =6/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>卧室< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=床ID =床的tabindex =7/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>浴室< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=整体卫浴ID =整体卫浴的tabindex =8/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>范围类型< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=范围ID =范围的tabindex =9/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>屋面类型< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=偏袒ID =偏袒的tabindex =10/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>屋顶类型< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=屋顶ID =屋顶的tabindex =11/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>炉类型< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=炉​​ID =炉的tabindex =12/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>功能和放大器;放大器;优点< / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD>< textarea的名字=fandbID =fandb的tabindex =13>< / textarea的>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD><强>图片&LT数量; / STRONG>< / TD>
                < TD><输入类型=文本名称=picnumID =尺寸的tabindex =14/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
              &其中; TR>
                < TD合并单元格=2ALIGN =中心><输入名称=addinventorybuttonID =addinventorybutton类型=提交值=添加首页的tabindex =15/>< / TD>
              < / TR>
            < /表>
          < /字段集>
        < /形式GT;


               。VAR DTA = $(#addinv)序列化();

第二个表(通过PHP和放大器; AJAX调用):

 <表格名称=addpicturesID =addpicturesENCTYPE =多部分/表单数据的方法=邮报行动=admin_process.php>
        <字段集><传奇>添加相关的图像和LT; /传说>
        < PHP
            为($ i = 0; $ I< $图片; $ I ++)
                回声(<输入类型=文件NAME =PIC$我。/>< BR /> \ N);
            <输入类型=隐藏名称=actiontotakeID =actiontotake值=无/>
            <输入类型=隐藏名称=inventory_idID =inventory_id值=< PHP的echo $ NEWID;>中>
            <输入类型=按钮NAME =addnewpicturesbuttonID =addnewpicturesbutton值=图片添加到新家>
            < /字段集>
            < /形式GT;




I have a 2 part form.

The 1st form is submitted via $.post and (if all goes right), is replaced by a dynamically generated form from php. The idea behind this being that the 1st form creates an entry and the number of related images for said item. A new form is generated to upload said images.

My problem is that my newly generated form is not getting processed. If submit the form via the old onClick="" function, the dynamically generated file fields are ignored.

I'm pretty new to Jquery/AJAX, so I may not be doing this correctly, but how can I get Jquery to pay attention to my 2nd (dynamically generated) form?

1st Form:

<form name="addinv" id="addinv" action="admin_process.php" method="post">
            <legend>Add Inventory</legend>
            <input type="hidden" name="actiontotake" id="actiontotake" value="none" />
            <table width="400" border="0">
              Add Inventory Form Layout Table
                <td><input type="text" name="price" id="price" tabindex="1" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="mfg" id="mfg" tabindex="2" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="model" id="model" tabindex="3" /></td>
                <td><strong>Serial Number</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="sn" id="sn" tabindex="4" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="year" id="year" tabindex="5" /></td>
                <td><strong>Size (Dimensions)</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="dimensions" id="dimensions" tabindex="6" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="beds" id="beds" tabindex="7" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="baths" id="baths" tabindex="8" /></td>
                <td><strong>Range Type</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="range" id="range" tabindex="9" /></td>
                <td><strong>Siding Type</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="siding" id="siding" tabindex="10" /></td>
                <td><strong>Roof Type</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="roof" id="roof" tabindex="11" /></td>
                <td><strong>Furnace Type</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="furnace" id="furnace" tabindex="12" /></td>
                <td><strong>Features &amp; Benefits</strong></td>
                <td><textarea name="fandb" id="fandb" tabindex="13"></textarea></td>
                <td><strong>Number of Pictures</strong></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="picnum" id="dimensions" tabindex="14" /></td>
                <td colspan="2" align="center"><input name="addinventorybutton" id="addinventorybutton" type="submit" value="Add Home" tabindex="15"/></td>

Jquery handler:

               $("#actiontotake").val("Add Home");
               var dta = $("#addinv").serialize();
            return false;
            $("#actiontotake").val("Add Picture");
            return false;

2nd Form (via PHP & AJAX call):

<form name="addpictures" id="addpictures" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="admin_process.php">
        <fieldset><legend>Add Associated Images</legend>
                echo("<input type='file' name='pic".$i."' /><br />\n");
            <input type="hidden" name="actiontotake" id="actiontotake" value="none" />
            <input type="hidden" name="inventory_id" id="inventory_id" value="<?php echo $newid; ?>">
            <input type="button" name="addnewpicturesbutton" id="addnewpicturesbutton" value="Add Pictures to new home">

use .live() method to submit your 2nd form:

$('#addnewpicturesbutton').live('click', function() {
      $("#actiontotake").val("Add Picture");
      return false;


05-28 03:59