我希望使用 OpenSSL 加密文件中的文本,并且在加密之前需要将文本放在无符号字符数组中.从文件读取文本到无符号字符数组的最简单方法是什么?
I was looking to use OpenSSL to encrypt text in a file, and will need the text to be in an unsigned char array before I encrypt it. What is the easiest way read text from a file to an unsigned char array?
您的问题被标记为 C 和 C++ .我会给 C++ 一个答案.
Your question is tagged both C and C++ . I will give an answer for C++.
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream in("filename.txt"); //open file
in >> noskipws; //we don't want to skip spaces
//initialize a vector with a pair of istream_iterators
vector<unsigned char> v((istream_iterator<unsigned char>(in)),
(istream_iterator<unsigned char>()));