

我尝试替换与 rich文本框中中的特定单词匹配的所有文本时遇到问题.这是我使用的代码

I have a problem while trying to replace all text matching a particular word in a rich text box. This is the code i use

    public static void ReplaceAll(RichTextBox myRtb, string word, string replacer)
        int index = 0;

        while (index < myRtb.Text.LastIndexOf(word))
            int location = myRtb.Find(word, index, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
            myRtb.Select(location, word.Length);
            myRtb.SelectedText = replacer;

    private void btnReplaceAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form1 text = (Form1)Application.OpenForms["Form1"];
        ReplaceAll(text.Current, txtFind2.Text, txtReplace.Text);


This works well but i have noticed a little malfunction when i try to replace a letter with itself and another letter.

例如,我想用 ea 替换 Welcome to Nigeria 中的所有 e .

For example i want to replace all the e in Welcome to Nigeria with ea.

这就是我得到 Weaalcomeaaaaaaaaa到Nigeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaria 的结果.

当只有三个 e 时,消息框将显示 23 .请问我在做什么错,我该如何纠正

And the message box shows 23 when there are only three e. Pls what am i doing wrong and how can i correct it



yourRichTextBox.Text = yourRichTextBox.Text.Replace("e","ea");

如果您要报告匹配数(已替换),可以尝试使用 Regex ,如下所示:

If you want to report the number of matches (which are replaced), you can try using Regex like this:

MessageBox.Show(Regex.Matches(yourRichTextBox.Text, "e").Count.ToString());


当然,使用上述方法具有昂贵的内存成本,您可以将某些循环与 Regex 结合使用,以实现某种高级替换引擎,如下所示:


Of course, using the method above has expensive cost in memory, you can use some loop in combination with Regex to achieve some kind of advanced replacing engine like this:

public void ReplaceAll(RichTextBox myRtb, string word, string replacement){
   int i = 0;
   int n = 0;
   int a = replacement.Length - word.Length;
   foreach(Match m in Regex.Matches(myRtb.Text, word)){
      myRtb.Select(m.Index + i, word.Length);
      i += a;
      myRtb.SelectedText = replacement;
   MessageBox.Show("Replaced " + n + " matches!");


05-28 05:28