


I want to auto format a text entered in a textbox like so:

如果用户输入 2 个字符,例如 38,它会自动添加一个空格.所以,如果我输入 384052最终结果将是:38 30 52.

If a user enters 2 characters, like 38, it automatically adds a space. so, if I type 384052The end result will be: 38 30 52.


I tried doing that, but it's ofr some reason right to left and it's all screwed up.. what I'm doing wrong?

static int Count = 0;
     private void packetTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (Count % 2 == 0)
                packetTextBox.Text += " ";



如果你只是让用户输入然后在用户离开 TextBox 时修改内容会更好.

It's much nicer if you just let the user type and then modify the contents when the user leaves the TextBox.

您可以通过不响应 KeyPress 事件,而是响应 TextChanged 事件来实现.

You can do that by reacting not to the KeyPress event, but to the TextChanged event.

private void packetTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string oldValue = (sender as TextBox).Text.Trim();
    string newValue = "";

    // IF there are more than 2 characters in oldValue:
    //     Move 2 chars from oldValue to newValue, and add a space to newValue
    //     Remove the first 2 chars from oldValue
    // ELSE
    //     Just append oldValue to newValue
    //     Make oldValue empty
    // REPEAT as long as oldValue is not empty

    (sender as TextBox).Text = newValue;



05-26 19:32