


i have a list of images retrieved from xml i want to populate them to a uiscrollview in an order such that it will look like this.


if there is only 10 images it will just stop here.


right now my current code is this

for (int i = 3; i<[appDelegate.ZensaiALLitems count]-1; i++) {
        UIButton *zenbutton2 =[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
        Items *ZensaiPLUitems = [appDelegate.ZensaiALLitems objectAtIndex:i];
        NSURL *ZensaiimageSmallURL = [NSURL URLWithString:ZensaiPLUitems.ZensaiimageSmallURL];
        NSLog(@"FVGFVEFV :%@", ZensaiPLUitems.ZensaiimageSmallURL);
        NSData *simageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:ZensaiimageSmallURL];
        UIImage *itemSmallimage = [UIImage imageWithData:simageData];
        [zenbutton2 setImage:itemSmallimage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        zenbutton2.frame=CGRectMake( (i*110+i*110)-660 , 300, 200, 250);
        [zenbutton2 addTarget:self action:@selector(ShowNextZensaiPage) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
        [scrollView addSubview:zenbutton2];


notice the CGRectMake , i have to manually assign fixed values to position them.Is there any way to populate them out without manually assigning.for e.g the images will automatically go down a position once the first row has 3 images and subsequently for the rest.



If I understand what you are saying, you should be able to write a simple block of code that assigns a position based on the image number.


Something like this (where i is the image number, starting from 0):

- (CGPoint)getImageOrigin:(NSInteger)imageNumber {

    CGFloat leftInset = 30;
    CGFloat xOffsetBetweenOrigins = 80;
    CGFloat topInset = 20;
    CGFloat yOffsetBetweenOrigins = 80;

    int numPerRow = 3;

    CGFloat x = leftInset + (xOffsetBetweenOrigins * (imageNumber % numPerRow));
    CGFloat y = topInset + (yOffsetBetweenOrigins * floorf(imageNumber / numPerRow));

    CGPoint imageOrigin = CGPointMake(x, y);

    return imageOrigin;



The origin being calculated here is the upper left corner of each image.

要计算x值,我从屏幕左侧的最小距离(leftInset)开始。然后,我将从一个图像左侧到下一个图像的距离乘以列( imageNumber%numPerRow )。

To calculate the x value, I start with the minimum distance from the left side of the screen (leftInset). Then, I add the distance from the left side of one image to the next image, multiplied by the column (imageNumber % numPerRow).

Y以类似的方式计算,但为了计算行,我使用 imageNumber / numPerRow 向下舍入。

Y is calculated in a similar fashion, but to calculate the row, I use the imageNumber / numPerRow rounded down.



You asked me to explain further, so I'll see what I can do.


OK, so I want to be able to input the image number (starting at 0) into my function, and I want the origin (upper left corner point) back.

leftInset 是视图左边缘与第一张图像左边缘之间的距离。

leftInset is the distance between the left edge of the view, and the left edge of the first image.

xOffsetBetweenOrigins 是从一个图像的左边缘到同一行的下一个图像的左边缘的距离。因此,如果我将其设置为80并且我的图像宽度为50px,则同一行中的两个图像之间将存在30px的间隙。

xOffsetBetweenOrigins is the distance from the left edge of one image to the left edge of the next image on the same row. So, if I set it to 80 and my image is 50px wide, there will be a 30px gap between two images in the same row.

topInset 就像是左边的插图。它是从顶视图的顶边到顶行图像顶边的距离。

topInset is like left inset. It is the distance from the top edge of the view to the top edge of the images in the top row.

yOffsetBetweenOrigins 是图像上边缘到下方图像上边缘的距离。如果我将其设置为80,并且我的图像高度为50px,那么行之间将存在30px的垂直间隙。

yOffsetBetweenOrigins is the distance from the top edge of an image to the top edge of the image below it. If I set this to 80, and my image is 50px tall, then there will be a 30px vertical gap between rows.

numPerRow 很简单。它只是每行图像的数量。

numPerRow is straightforward. It is just the number of images per row.

要计算图像左上角的x值,我总是从leftInset开始,因为它是常量。如果我在一行的第一个图像上,那将是整个x值。如果我在行的第二个图像上,我需要添加 xOffsetBetweenOrigins 一次,如果我在第三个,我需要添加两次。

To calculate the x value of the upper left corner of the image, I always start with the leftInset, because it is constant. If I am on the first image of a row, that will be the entire x value. If I am on the second image of the row, I need to add xOffsetBetweenOrigins once, and if I am on the third, I need to add it twice.

为此,我使用模数(%)运算符。它给了我除法运算的余数,所以当我说imageNumber%numPerRow时,我要求imageNumber / numPerRow的剩余部分。
如果我在第一张图像上(imageNumber = 0),那么3次没有进入0,余数为0.如果我在第二张图像上(imageNumber = 1),那么我有1/3 。 3进入1 0次,但​​剩余部分是1,所以我得到xOffsetBetweenOrigins * 1.

To do this, I use the modulus (%) operator. It gives me the remainder of a division operation, so when I say imageNumber % numPerRow, I am asking for the remainder of imageNumber/numPerRow.If I am on the first image (imageNumber = 0), then 3 goes into 0 no times, and the remainder is 0. If I am on the second image (imageNumber = 1), then I have 1/3. 3 goes into 1 0 times, but the remainder is 1, so I get xOffsetBetweenOrigins*1.

对于y值,我做了类似的事情,但没有采取模数,我只是将imageNumber / numPerRow除以并向下舍入。这样做,我会得到0表示0,1和2.我会得到3表示3,4和5。

For the y value, I do something similar, but instead of taking the modulus, I simply divide imageNumber/numPerRow and round down. Doing this, I will get 0 for 0, 1, and 2. I will get 1 for 3, 4, and 5.



It occurred to me that you might actually have been asking how to use this method. In your code, you would say something like

CGRect newFrame = zenbutton2.frame;
newFrame.origin = [self getImageOrigin:i];
zenbutton2.frame = newFrame;



CGPoint origin = [self getImageOrigin:i];
zenbutton2.frame = CGRectMake(origin.x, origin.y, width, height);


NSLog("Origin Values: %f,%f", origin.x, origin.y);

确保您实际上从 getImageOrigin


08-04 14:52