


For 2D game, default camera(orthographic) size is 5 and I am trying to figure out what it should be to get original views of images. What should it be? Because 5 shows the images very smaller than original size.


首先缩放相机变成2 / screenHeight, 1920x1080屏幕应该是2/1080

First scale the cameras transform to 2/screenHeight, so if you have 1920x1080 screen it should be 2/1080


Then set your cameras orographic size to 1


Then on the sprite, set the "pixels to units" to the height of the image size, so if you have a image of size 128x128 the pixels to units should be 128


Now if you place your sprite as a child to your camera, the scale of the object will be in pixels. so if you want a sprite of size 128x128 to be 128x128 on a 1080 screen just set the scale of the transform to 128,128,0

这样做的奖金是你设计的游戏为一个分辨率,如1920x1080,当你在一个屏幕上运行它的另一个分辨率(相同的长宽比),你只需要改变2 / screenHeight的相机,一切将有相同的相对尺寸,将使它看起来相同,只要长宽比是相同的。

The bonus of doing it this way is that you design the game for one resolution like 1920x1080 and when you run it on a screen with another resolution (same aspect ratio) you just need to change the 2/screenHeight for the camera and everything will have the same relative size which will make it look the same as long as the aspect ratio is the same.


08-28 22:37