I have a column with a uniqueidentifier that can potentially reference one of four different tables. I have seen this done in two ways, but both seem like bad practice.
First, I've seen a single ObjectID column without explicitly declaring it as a foreign key to a specific table. Then you can just shove any uniqueidentifier you want in it. This means you could potentially insert IDs from tables that are not part of the 4 tables I wanted.
其次,因为数据可以来自四个不同的表,也看到人做了4个不同的外键。在这样做时,系统依赖于一个AND ONLY ONE列具有非NULL值。
Second, because the data can come from four different tables, I've also seen people make 4 different foreign keys. And in doing so, the system relies on ONE AND ONLY ONE column having a non-NULL value.
What's a better approach to doing this? For example, records in my table could potentially reference Hospitals(ID), Clinics(ID), Schools(ID), or Universities(ID)... but ONLY those tables.
您可能需要考虑一个Type / SubType数据模型。这非常像面向对象编程中的类/子类,但更尴尬的实现,没有RDBMS(我知道)本来支持他们。一般的想法是:
You might want to consider a Type/SubType data model. This is very much like class/subclasses in object oriented programming, but much more awkward to implement, and no RDBMS (that I am aware of) natively supports them. The general idea is:
- 定义一个类型(建筑),为它创建一个表,给它一个主键
- 您定义两个或多个子类型(这里是医院,诊所,学校,大学),为每个子类型创建表,创建主键...但主键也是引用Building表
- 现在可以使用外键在Building表中构建一个具有一个ObjectType列的表。你必须加入几个表来确定它是什么样的建筑,但你必须这样做。
You have noticed the problem with this model, right? What’s to keep a Building from having entries in in two or more of the subtype tables? Glad you asked:
- 在Building中添加一个可能是BuildingType的列,
- 在BuildingID + BuildingType上创建唯一约束
- 在子表。对它设置检查约束,以便它只能设置为值(医院表的H等)。理论上,这可以是一个计算列;在实践中,由于以下步骤,此操作将无法正常工作:
- 创建外键以使用这两列来关联表
- Add a column, perhaps "BuildingType", to Building, say char(1) with allowed values of {H, C, S, U} indicating (duh) type of building.
- Build a unique constraint on BuildingID + BuildingType
- Have the BulidingType column in the subtables. Put a check constraint on it so that it can only ever be set to the value (H for the Hospitals table, etc.) In theory, this could be a computed column; in practice, this won't work because of the following step:
- Build the foreign key to relate the tables using both columns
Voila: Given a BUILDING row set with type H, an entry in the SCHOOL table (with type S) cannot be set to reference that Building
You will recall that I did say it was hard to implement.
In fact, the big question is: Is this worth doing? If it makes sense to implement the four (or more, as time passes) building types as type/subtype (further normalization advantages: one place for address and other attributes common to every building, with building-specific attributes stored in the subtables), it may well be worth the extra effort to build and maintain. If not, then you’re back to square one: a logical model that is hard to implement in the average modern-day RDBMS.