I'm trying to implement a method to return filtered results, based on a set of parameters which may or may not be set. It doesn't seem like chaining multiple filters is possible conditionally, i.e. starting off with one filter...
val slickFlights = TableQuery[Flights]
val query = slickFlights.filter(_.departureLocation === params("departureLocation").toString)
Conditionally adding another filter to the query (if it exists in the Map of params) doesn't seem to work...
if (params.contains("arrivalLocation")) {
query.filter(_.arrivalLocation === params("arrivalLocation").toString)
可以通过其他方式使用 Slick 完成这种条件过滤吗?
Can this sort of conditional filtering be done using Slick through other means?
我遇到过MaybeFilter:https://gist.github.com/cvogt/9193220,这似乎是处理此问题的不错方法.但是它似乎不适用于 Slick 3.x
I've come across the MaybeFilter: https://gist.github.com/cvogt/9193220, which seems to be a decent approach for handling exactly this. However it doesn't seem to work with Slick 3.x
按照以下 Hüseyin 的建议,我还尝试了以下操作:
Following Hüseyin's suggestions below, I have also tried the following:
def search(departureLocation: Option[String], arrivalLocation: Option[String]) = {
val query = slickFlights.filter(flight =>
departureLocation.map {
param => param === flight.departureLocation
其中 slickFlights
是一个 TableQuery 对象 val slickFlights = TableQuery[Flights]
Where slickFlights
is a TableQuery object val slickFlights = TableQuery[Flights]
. However this produces the following compilation error:
value === is not a member of String
Intellij 还抱怨 === 是一个未知符号.也不适用于 ==.
Intellij also complains about the === being an unknown symbol. Doesn't work with == either.
为了让其他尝试在 Slick 中使用可选过滤器的人受益,请查看此处的答案:正确使用光滑过滤器.我终于设法让它与以下一起工作:
For the benefit of anyone else trying to get optional filters working in Slick, have a look at the answer here: right usage of slick filter. I finally managed to get it working with the following:
def search(departureLocation: Option[String], arrivalLocation: Option[String]) = {
val query = for {
flight <- slickFlights.filter(f =>
departureLocation.map(d =>
f.departureLocation === d).getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true)) &&
arrivalLocation.map(a =>
f.arrivalLocation === a).getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true))
} yield flight
关键位是地图末尾的 .getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true))
,这会导致 Slick 按如下方式呈现 SQL,例如,如果仅设置了离开位置...
The key bit being the .getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true))
on the end of the map, which causes Slick to render SQL as follows if for example only the departureLocation is set...
select * from `flight`
where (`departureLocation` = 'JFK') and true
而没有它,SQL 看起来像...
whereas without it the SQL looked like...
select * from `flight`
where (`departureLocation` = 'JFK') and (`arrivalLocation` = '')
which obviously meant that it came back with no rows.
这篇关于使用 Slick 3 的带有可选 where 子句的动态查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!