

仅给了我一组边缘,并询问图形中是否存在循环(图形可能未连接)。我知道可以使用简单的DFS轻松解决它。但是我想知道是否还有其他方法可以降低复杂度,因为我可能会收到多个这样的查询来检查周期,并且每次运行dfs都会带来O(nq)复杂度,n个边数和q个查询。 / p>

I have been given only a set of edges and asked if there is a cycle in the graph (graph may not be connected). I know it can be easily solved using a simple DFS. But I would like to know if there is any other method with reduced complexity as I may receive multiple such queries to check for cycles and running dfs every time would give O(nq) complexity, n number of edges and q number of queries.


可以使用不交集,它可以在 O(E)(E是边数)

You can use Disjoint sets, It can find all cycles in O(E) (E is number of edges)


  1. 跟踪直接或间接连接的节点

  1. Keeps track of which nodes are connected, directly or indirectly(Meaning the two nodes are in the same set).

放置同一集合中的两个节点。 (意味着它们连接了

Put two nodes in the same set. (Meaning they areconnected). Actually, it does a union of the two sets these nodes are from.

不相交集在这两个操作中都完成了 O(1)

Disjoint set does both of these operations in O(1).Here's how I implement Disjoint set with path compression:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

// This array is used to represent a backward tree (Forest actually)
// all nodes part of a tree are in the same set
int disjointset[1000];

// at first all nodes are separated
// that is they are part of a 1 element set
void initialize(int n){
    for(int i= 0; i<=n; i++){
        disjointset[i]= i;

// get the root parent of node a in disjoint tree structure
int getParent(int a){
    if(disjointset[a] == a)
        return a;

    // we do this assignment to shorten the path from this node to it's top ancestor in tree
    // this is called path compression
    disjointset[a] = getParent(disjointset[a]);

    return disjointset[a];

// check if two nodes are directly/indirectly connected
bool connected(int a, int b){
    return getParent(a) == getParent(b);

// join two nodes a and b, after this they will be connected
void join(int a, int b){
    disjointset[getParent(a)] = getParent(b);

int main(){
    //freopen("F:/input.txt", "r", stdin);

    // n nodes, e edges
    int n, e, u, v;

    cin>>n>>e;   // e number of edges

    //initialize the backward tree of disjoint set

    for(int i= 0; i<e; i++){

        if(connected(u, v)){
            cout<< "Cycle found"<<endl;




//sample input
//6 nodes 6 edges
6 6
1 2
2 3
1 3
3 4
3 5
4 6



Note: Inserting the same edge multiple times will be counted as a cycle.


10-19 01:38