


I am making a Mac application, and I want my menu bar to look right.

任何Mac用户都知道菜单栏应该在顶部屏幕菜单中。在属性列表文件中将 apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar 设置为 true 可以删除框内菜单栏和移动当前聚焦窗口的菜单栏到屏幕菜单。

Any Mac user knows the menu bar should be in the top screen menu. Setting apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar to true in the property list file gets rid of the in-frame menu bars and moves the menu bar of the current focused window to the screen menu.


However, when all windows are hidden or when there are no windows, there are no menu bars to move to the top, and you just get a blank menu. I heard a solution to this was to create an offscreen window that is focused when no others are. The only purpose of it would be its menu, so that it could fill in when the others are gone.


However, I've been getting loads of problems. I can't seem to move the window off the screen because Macs won't let you set the coordinates to something past the size of the screen; it just cuts it off and positions it at the edge instead. Is there something else I have to do to make an offscreen window?



You should definitely consider WizardOfOdds' very helpful answer. Using "The Application Menu" correctly will help, and it's easy to set up a minimal Info.plist to get started. A persistent File menu will allow your application to open a new window when others are closed. This answer links to a simple example.

虽然Apple的是您用户期望的绝佳指南,您当然可以尝试使用您在问题中建议的方法。特别是,您可以在不可见窗口上尝试 setLocation(Short.MIN_VALUE,Short.MIN_VALUE)。此外,您可能希望回复,如果它发出最后一个可见窗口的关闭信号,则会以某种特殊方式显示。

Although Apple's Human Interface Guidelines are an excellent guide to what your users will expect, you can certainly experiment with the approach you suggested in your question. In particular, you might try setLocation(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MIN_VALUE) on the invisible window. In addition, you might want to respond to a WindowEvent in some special way if it signals the close of the last visible window.


Addendum: When your listener sees the last visible window close, create a new, empty application window. Alternatively, move the invisible window onscreen and make it visible until the user decides how to proceed.

附录:Mac OS X有助于防止可见窗口窗体移动到屏幕外,但很容易将隐形窗口置于不稳定状态,如下所示。

Addendum: Mac OS X helpfully prevents a visible window form being moved offscreen, but it's easy to put an invisible window in limbo, as shown below.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;

public class FrameTest extends JFrame {

    private static FrameTest marco;
    private static FrameTest polo;

    private static class MyPanel extends JPanel {

        public MyPanel() {
            final JToggleButton b = new JToggleButton("Test");
            b.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
                public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                    if (b.isSelected()) {
                        polo.setLocation(100, 100);
                    else {
                        polo.setLocation(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MIN_VALUE);

    public FrameTest(String title) {
        this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        this.add(new MyPanel());

    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                marco = new FrameTest("Marco");
                polo = new FrameTest("Polo");
                polo.setLocation(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MIN_VALUE);


09-05 15:41