本文介绍了使用扩展字符串作为 Powershell 函数参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to write a function that will print a user-supplied greeting addressed to a user-supplied name. I want to use expanding strings the way I can in this code block:

$Name = "World"
$Greeting = "Hello, $Name!"

成功打印Hello, World!.但是,当我尝试将这些字符串作为参数传递给这样的函数时,

Which successfully prints Hello, World!. However, when I try to pass these strings as parameters to a function like so,

function HelloWorld
    Param ($Greeting, $Name)
HelloWorld("Hello, $Name!", "World")


Hello, !

经调查,Powershell 似乎完全忽略了 "Hello, $Name!" 中的 $Name,运行

Upon investigation, Powershell seems to be ignoring $Name in "Hello, $Name!" completely, as running

HelloWorld("Hello, !", "World")

产生与上面相同的输出.此外,它似乎没有将 "World" 视为 $Name 的值,因为运行

Produces output identical to above. Additionally, it doesn't seem to regard "World" as the value of $Name, since running

function HelloWorld
    Param ($Greeting, $Name)
HelloWorld("Hello, $Name!", "World")



Is there a way to get the expanding string to work when passed in as a function parameter?


出现您的问题是因为 $Name 字符串替换发生在函数外部,在 $Name 变量填充在函数内部.

Your issue occurs because the $Name string replacement is happening outside of the function, before the $Name variable is populated inside of the function.


function HelloWorld
    Param ($Greeting, $Name)
    $Greeting -replace '\$Name',$Name

HelloWorld -Greeting 'Hello, $Name!' -Name 'World'

通过使用单引号,我们发送 Hello, $Name 的字面问候,然后在函数内部使用 -Replace 替换这个字符串(我们有将 \ 放在我们要替换的字符串中的 $ 之前,因为 $ 是正则表达式特殊字符).

By using single quotes, we send the literal greeting of Hello, $Name in and then do the replacement of this string inside the function using -Replace (we have to put a \ before the $ in the string we're replace because $ is a regex special character).

这篇关于使用扩展字符串作为 Powershell 函数参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 02:08