I want to increase the size of popup as well as the size of font of popup of datetime picker.The change is done in above red block portion of datetime picker.
You cannot change the size, it is hard-baked in the native Windows component that implements the calendar. Also obvious from the MonthCalendar class (same animal as the DTP dropdown), note how dragging the sizing handles does nothing at all. And how changing the Font has no effect.
不灵活但不是真正的问题,在用户计算机上运行的任何其他程序都以完全相同的大小显示完全相同的日历。 。如果用户的视觉障碍使她无法使用日历,则可以更改系统字体大小或视频DPI设置。
Inflexible but not really a problem, any other program that runs on the user's machine displays the exact same calendar in the exact same size. If the user has a visual impairment that gives her trouble using the calendar then she'll change the system font size or video DPI setting.